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Everything you need to know about water

Welcome to the Best Water Shop, where we explore the fascinating world of water together. Whether you are an athlete striving for peak performance, a wellness enthusiast looking to optimize your drinking habits, or anyone simply wanting to improve the importance of fluid intake.

Woman with BWT Drinking Glass
Woman with BWT Drinking Glass

Wissenswertes rund ums Wasser

Willkommen im Best Water Shop, wo wir gemeinsam die faszinierende Welt rund ums Wassertrinken erkunden. Egal, ob Sportler:innen, die nach Höchstleistungen streben, Wellness-Enthusiast:innen, die ihr Trinkverhalten optimieren möchten, oder alle, die einfach die Wichtigkeit der Flüssigkeitszufuhr verbessern wollen. 

  • Filtration
  • Mineralisation
  • Water filter systems
  • Mineralisierung
  • Wasserfilter-Systeme
Woman showing table water filter
Water filter for Contaminants
Harmful substances in drinking water affect health, taste and household appliances. Simply filter limescale, chlorine and heavy metals yourself at home and improve the quality of your water.
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Woman enjoying espresso
Mineralisation, Filtration
Water Filter for Coffee and Tea
Perfect coffee begins with perfect water. Experience the difference with our water and table water filters. This way, you improve your coffee and protect your household appliances.
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Man and child drinking BWT water
Water Filters for Heavy Metals
Invisible, but noticeable. With selected BWT cartridges, you can filter lead and copper out of tap water and mineralize your drinking water.
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Travelling with a Water Filter
While we pay close attention to high-quality tap water at home, we often neglect this when traveling. In popular holiday destinations like Croatia, Italy, France, Spain, or Portugal, tap water is chlorinated.
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Karaffe mit Wasser füllen am Wasserhahn
Filtration, Water filter systems
Filter for the Water Tap
The BWT filter for the water tap is installed directly in your kitchen faucet. So easy is the step to pure and mineralized water straight from the kitchen.
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Woman showing table water filter
Magnesium-Rich Water at any Time
Forget dissolving magnesium tablets in water. With BWT, enjoy fresh, magnesium-rich tap water anytime: Our technology ensures the taste remains neutral, and you can supply your body with valuable magnesium throughout the day.
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Skater mit Flasche und Skateboard
Magnesium in Sports
Ready to give your body what it needs for maximum performance and recovery? Enrich your drinking water with magnesium yourself and choose the best solution to meet your daily needs.
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woman showing a glass of water
Limescale Filters for Drinking Water
You don't want to invest time and money in descaling your household appliances any longer? BWT offers you the simplest solution: our table water filters protect against limescale deposits and mineralize drinking water.
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Man and child drinking BWT water
Chlorine Filter for Drinking Water
Chlorine out, minerals in: Discover our innovative filter technology and the difference it makes to taste, smell and water quality.
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Mineralisierung, Wasserfilter-Systeme, Filtration
BWT MIXXO starter kit - Mineralizer
Erlebe die nächste Stufe des Wassergenusses mit dem BWT MIXXO – der innovativen Lösung für bestes Wasser direkt aus deinem Wasserhahn
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Wasserfilter-Systeme, Filtration
Ecosoft CROSS90 Umkehrosmose
Durch die spezielle Membran-Filtertechnologie, dem sogenannten Umkehrosmose-Filtersystem, werden PFAS, Schwermetalle, Mikroplastik, Bakterien, Viren, Hormone, Nitrate, Kalk und andere Schadstoffe zu 99 % aus dem Wasser entfernt. 
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