Frau mit rosa Shirt zeigt auf
Frau mit rosa Shirt zeigt auf

The BWT Vida Table Water Filter offers you not only delicious but also health-promoting water. With the patented BWT Magnesium Mineralized Water technology, your water is enriched with valuable magnesium, which the human body needs daily. During stressful times or intense physical activity, the magnesium requirement can increase to up to 600 mg. Since the body cannot produce magnesium on its own, it must be consumed daily through food and beverages.

Unlike conventional dietary supplements such as tablets or powders, the BWT Table Water Filter releases magnesium in ionic form – a form that the body can absorb more effectively, ensuring consistent supply through regular drinking. This helps avoid overdosing and unnecessary intake of additional salts. In addition to magnesium, the filter also removes lime, chlorine, lead, and copper, enhancing the taste of your water and extending the lifespan of household appliances such as coffee machines and kettles.

As an exclusive gift, you will also receive the BWT Climate Bottle, perfect for on the go and a sustainable alternative to disposable plastic bottles.


Einfache Handhabung

Hygiene ist wichtig und sollte daher nie vernachlässigt werden. Der Vida Tischwasserfilter kann dank der manuellen Wechselanzeige komplett in die Spülmaschine. Somit geben Sie Bakterien und Keimen keine Chance!

Übrigens: Vergessen Sie nicht, die Filterkartuschen alle vier Wochen zu wechseln! Der praktische Abo-Service von BWT erinnert Sie immer daran, Kartuschen auf Vorrat zu haben.

wasserfilter, filterkanne, entkalken
wasserfilter, filterkanne, entkalken

Technical details

Capacity: 2,6 l
Colour: Petrol, Pink, White
Dimensions in mm (w x h x d): 11.3 x 27.8 x 25.2 cm
Filter change indicator: Manual display
Filtered water capacity: 1,4 l

Passende Filterkartuschen

Filter technology
Packaging unit
BWT Magnesium Mineralized Water 3-pack
Benefits of magnesium: Supports the muscle and nervous system, strengthens bones and teeth. Reduces fatigue and makes you more resilient.
Filter technology
Packaging unit
BWT Silicate + Magnesium Mineralized Water 3-pack
Benefits of silicon: Supports mental fitness and the removal of harmful substances such as aluminium in the body.
Filter technology
Packaging unit
BWT ZINC + Magnesium Mineralized Water 3-pack
Benefits of ZINC: Strengthens the immune system and defences. Promotes the growth of skin, hair and nails.
Filter technology
Packaging unit
Soft Filtered Water EXTRA 3-pack
Reliably protects household appliances from limescale deposits. Particularly suitable for water with a high degree of hardness above 15° dH.

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