Step into the future of water technology

Welcome to Pearlwater City

ISH Frankfurt Hall 4.0 B50 | From March 17 – 21


Step into the future of water!

We’re thrilled to invite you to the grand opening of BWT’s Pearl­water City at ISH 2025 in Frank­furt. From March 17 – 21, visit us in Hall 4.0, Stand B50, and expe­ri­ence a revo­lu­tionary new chapter in water treat­ment and inno­va­tion. 

What Awaits You at Pearl­water City

Our exclu­sive Pearl­water City Tour will intro­duce you to the cutting-edge inno­va­tions shaping the future. From expe­ri­encing the softest, tastiest, miner­al­ized drinking water to exploring state-of-the-art-water-treatment inno­va­tions and solu­tions for both house­holds and commer­cial appli­ca­tions.


 Uhrzeit Vortrag
10:30 One Pipe Power Pearlwater - Der Gamechanger für das weltweit weichste und geschmackvollste Perlwasser
11:00 One Pipe Power Pearlwater - The Gamechanger for the world's softest & tastiest mineralized Pearlwater (EN)
11:30 One Pipe Power Pearlwater - Der Gamechanger für das weltweit weichste und geschmackvollste Perlwasser
12:00 One Pipe Power Pearlwater - The Gamechanger for the world's softest & tastiest mineralized Pearlwater (EN)
13:00 Die Evolution der Filtertechnik (DE)
13:30 Reinstes Heizen mit BWT Heizungswasser ohne Zusatzstoffe (DE)
14:00 Thinking forward backwash-filtration (EN)
14:30 One Pipe Power Pearlwater - Der Gamechanger für das weltweit weichste und geschmackvollste Perlwasser
15:00  One Pipe Power Pearlwater - The Gamechanger for the world's softest & tastiest mineralized Pearlwater (EN)

Pearlwater Hero Challenge


Ready to step into the pink spot­light? Take on our Pearl­water Hero Chal­lenge and compete for a chance to win a VIP weekend at the FORMULA 1 Final in Abu Dhabi 2025 – plus more exciting prizes.

Pearlwater City challenge
Pearlwater City challenge
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