Hotels & Hospi­tality

Best Water Tech­nology

If the water is right, the result will be right - for coffee, tea, bread, bakery prod­ucts and for gleaming crockery.
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Hotels & Hospi­tality

perfect water

Not all water is the same

Water is also a central element in the hospi­tality and hotel industry, as guests will come into contact with water with every sip and every bite. Coffee and tea produce a full aroma with the correct water, and steam makes bakery prod­ucts crusty, fragrant and deli­cious. As the saying goes, espe­cially in the kitchen: if the water is right, the result will be right. Bread is crusty on the outside, vegeta­bles retain their vita­mins and an appetising colour, roasted meats delight the palate with a succu­lent centre and crisp finish and the nostrils with a fine roast aroma. And after eating, top quality water ensures that crockery, glass­ware and cutlery come out of the dish­washer spot­lessly clean. BWT treats your water on site in different ways, depending on the specific appli­ca­tion and water quality.

Water Opti­mi­sa­tion for Coffee and Tea

Two fresh cups of coffee
Two fresh cups of coffee

If an infe­rior espresso offends the palate of a guest after a fine meal, this could make the entire expe­ri­ence a disap­point­ment for the connois­seur. From the coffee shop to gourmet restau­rant, the rule of thumb is that you need fine-​tasting prod­ucts of the highest quality to impress the guests’ palate, and water from BWT helps to achieve this.

Perfect water makes the best coffee

Water is a basic constituent in the demanding hospi­tality sector. Top quality water is the basis of the most refined bever­ages, e.g. to obtain the best flavour of a selected Sencha green tea, for an aromatic mocha made with coffee from the Ethiopian High­lands or for an elegant espresso prepared with Mexico Mara­gogipe beans. This is precisely what the filter cartridges from BWT can provide; water for use in profes­sional coffee machines.


BWT bestmax PREMIUM, an inno­v­a­tive filtra­tion system for use in the hospi­tality sector, opti­mises water straight from the tap. Any extra­neous constituents, including calcium, parti­cles and taste-​impairing substances like chlo­rine, are removed from the tap water.

The filter cartridge with its Magne­sium Miner­al­izer tech­nology enriches the drinking water with precious magne­sium to create perfect-​tasting hot drinks.
BWT bestmax premium product image broadway engineering

Water Opti­mi­sa­tion in the Vending Busi­ness

Coffee machine
Coffee machine

Vending success depends on water quality

Modern coffee vending machines are every­where today, and have attained a quality level that brings out the char­acter and variety of flavours of specialty coffees to perfec­tion. The quality of dispensed bever­ages has risen dramat­i­cally, with a step-​jump improve­ment in vending machine perfor­mance, and demand has also increased in terms of water quality, a crucial element in perfect coffee enjoy­ment. If you want to improve the high quality of your vending prod­ucts, you need the best water avail­able, regard­less of on-​site condi­tions.

The right product for every water require­ment

We can satisfy the specific needs of the vending busi­ness with a broad range of prod­ucts. BWT’s water opti­mi­sa­tion not only ensures the sensory quality of vending prod­ucts, but also provides a guar­antee of reli­able limescale protec­tion and maximum oper­a­tional safety.

BWT bestmax

BWT bestmax is an all-​round filtra­tion solu­tion devel­oped for the diverse require­ments of the hospi­tality sector. It is used for coffee machines, vending machines and for pure steam in ovens and combi steamers.

The outcome is hot and cold drinks, foods and bakery prod­ucts of a consis­tently high quality.

BWT bestmax product image broadway engineering

Water Opti­mi­sa­tion for Combi Steamers and Ovens

Top quality water in the hospi­tality sector produces light bakery prod­ucts with a crispy crust, vegeta­bles that retain their appetising colour and precious vita­mins and minerals, and roasted meats with a succu­lent centre and deli­cate aroma.

Bread dough being kneaded
Bread dough being kneaded
Top quality water ensures the perfect enjoy­ment of foods cooked in combi steamers and ovens, such as a fragrant loaf of bread, tender, succu­lent roast beef or a fresh crunchy plate of vegeta­bles packed with vita­mins – all thanks to excel­lent water. Water treated specif­i­cally for use in the catering and hospi­tality sector prevents limescale from forming in expen­sive appli­ances like combi steamers and ovens, and will prevent block­ages in fine micro-​nozzles.

BWT best­pro­tect

Bene­fits at a glance:

  • Ideal for steam gener­a­tion in combi steamers, ovens and steam cookers
  • Removes parti­cles, flavour-​inhibiting substances and the taste of chlo­rine from the water
  • Protects expen­sive equip­ment and appli­ances against limescale and gypsum deposits
  • Minimises the risk of corro­sion by stabil­ising the pH value


BWT bestprotect product image broadway engineering

Water Opti­mi­sa­tion in Dish­washer Tech­nology

Clean wine glasses
Clean wine glasses
Apart from the quality of food and drink, visual impres­sions also play an impor­tant role in hospi­tality. Perfect dish­washing results ensure clean­li­ness, good hygiene and pristine-​looking dishes, glass­ware and cutlery.

Because first impres­sions count

In addi­tion to the quality of the dish­washer and cleaning agents, water plays a deci­sive role in the sparkle and perfect appear­ance of dishes, glass­ware and cutlery. And, depending on the water prop­er­ties, limescale deposits and smears can form on table­ware to the detri­ment of the overall presen­ta­tion to the guest. However, opti­mised water from BWT will help you create a dazzling all-​round first impres­sion.

BWT bestaqua CLEAN

Bene­fits at a glance:

  • Excel­lent limescale protec­tion for dish­washers in the hospi­tality sector
  • Water opti­mi­sa­tion using reverse osmosis (removes extra­neous substances, including calci­fiers and minerals, from the water)
  • Ideal for opti­mising large volumes of water for pris­tine, flaw­less crockery
  • Compact, energy-​efficient, low-​maintenance and easy to service
BWT bestaqua clean product image broadway engineering

Water Opti­mi­sa­tion for Water Dispensers

Would you like a nice refreshing drink? The welcoming gesture of offering cool water to guests and visi­tors is an increasing trend in many indus­tries. Water dispensers are the ideal solu­tion for hotels and restau­rants.

Business customers enjoying a glass of fresh water from a water dispenser
Business customers enjoying a glass of fresh water from a water dispenser

BWT best­drink PREMIUM

The magne­sium filter cartridges in BWT’s latest drinking water dispenser remove the limescale, parti­cles and taste-​impairing substances from the water while enriching it with magne­sium. This process uses water tapped directly from the mains to feed the dispenser.

It’s the ideal way to offer customers and visi­tors a refreshing drink when­ever it is needed, and they can choose water at room temper­a­ture, refresh­ingly cool, sparkling or hot.

BWT bestdrink and water dispenser product image broadway engineering

Addi­tional Infor­ma­tion

For more infor­ma­tion on solu­tions and prod­ucts for hotels & hospi­tality, please visit the BWT water+more website.

BWT tech­nology - ever-​present, wher­ever needed

It goes without saying that BWT also offers the perfect solu­tion for a wide variety of drinking and indus­trial water systems, whether for filtering parti­cles and impu­ri­ties out of the water, protecting pipework from deposits and calci­fi­ca­tion, or providing silky-​soft BWT pearly water for greater effi­ciency or better resource conser­va­tion. BWT also makes an ideal partner for compre­hen­sive manage­ment of your water hygiene, preventing and removing Legionella and other bacteria.

For decades, BWT has been an expert player in the treat­ment of water for swim­ming baths and pools. The company, true to its motto “Every­thing from a single source”, not only guar­an­tees perfect water quality, but under­takes the plan­ning of your pool ̶ including the features and design of the pool surround, coor­di­na­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of the construc­tion phase and expert service support.

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