BWT for:

Private Homes

BWT ensures perfect water quality for you and your family, whether for drinking, for coffee and tea, the shower, your laundry, heating or for your very own pool!
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Water running from faucet Water running from faucet
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Busi­ness Divi­sions


"Not all water is the same"

Why at BWT do we feel completely in our element in water? It is quite simply because, for decades, we have been committed to the research and devel­op­ment of water; no other company under­stands the entire spec­trum of water treat­ment as well as we do. Almost every­where water is present you’ll encounter pioneering solu­tions from BWT – in private house­holds, commerce and industry, pharma & biotech, hotels, hospi­tals, local commu­ni­ties and cities.

We work contin­u­ously on the devel­op­ment of processes and prod­ucts that create optimum water quality for a diverse range of appli­ca­tions, always with the aim of reducing the consump­tion of energy and raw mate­rials and minimising CO2 emis­sions. State-​of-the-art tech­nology, our spirit of inno­va­tion and our approach to ecology, cost-​effectiveness and social concerns char­ac­terise us as a company that recog­nises its respon­si­bility and takes its role very seri­ously.

Water Tech­nology for Every Aspect of Our Lives

Wher­ever BWT oper­ates, you’ll see many years of BWT exper­tise at work – and in all water treat­ment appli­ca­tions. Every single one of our prod­ucts repre­sents the highest stan­dards of safety, hygiene and health.

Busi­ness Areas and Solu­tions

Private Homes

BWT’s prod­ucts, including water filters, soft­eners, limescale protec­tion systems and water treat­ment units for swim­ming pools, provide the highest quality of water in your home, from base­ment to attic, in the kitchen, the bath­room or your pool – all day, every day.
Enjoy perfect drinking plea­sure and the full flavour of tea and coffee, thanks to Magne­sium Miner­al­ized Water, or pamper your­self from head to toe in your shower or pool with BWT Pearl Water.
Woman enjoying a glass of fresh water Woman enjoying a glass of fresh water

Hotels & Hospi­tality

Food and hospi­tality industry profes­sionals and connois­seurs know that perfect water is crucial to the taste of coffee and tea. Even when assessing the culi­nary poten­tial of a bread roll, beef fillet or carrot, nothing turns out quite right without perfect water. Vegeta­bles prepared in a combi steamer remain al dente and rich in vita­mins; bread emerges crusty and fragrant from the oven and gourmets will relish roasted meats with a crisp finish. Soft water also ensures immac­u­late crockery, sparkling glass­ware and dazzling silver­ware. Excel­lent prospects for restau­rants and hotels!

BWT provides custom solu­tions for the specific require­ments of the hotels & hospi­tality sector.
A fresh cup of coffee A fresh cup of coffee

Swim­ming Pools & Spas

Hygienically-​treated water is essen­tial for public swim­ming pools and spas. Every BWT system auto­mat­i­cally complies with the strict regu­la­tions and stan­dards required by legis­la­tion, provi­sions and guide­lines. For decades, famous well­ness hotels and count­less spas have put their faith in BWT’s exper­tise.

But BWT is not limited to just design processes for water treat­ment. We also develop and imple­ment major swim­ming pool and spa projects, from bespoke plan­ning through to profes­sional service and support after the system goes live.
Underwatershot of swimmer in a pool Underwatershot of swimmer in a pool

Build­ings & Industry

Water treat­ment require­ments differ widely in all segments of commerce and industry, all areas of the health sector and in public sector and building tech­nology appli­ca­tions.

We have devel­oped in-​depth knowl­edge of these require­ments from many years of expe­ri­ence and can apply our sophis­ti­cated tech­nolo­gies and prod­ucts to the needs of all sectors. Our experts will help you design your project, from water analysis and plan­ning to construc­tion, commis­sioning and main­te­nance, thereby ensuring many years of reli­able, cost-​effective oper­a­tion.
Office building at sunset Office building at sunset

Pharma & Biotech

Water is the most inten­sively used raw mate­rial in the pharma & biotech industry. Consumers are often unaware that puri­fied water/WFI is required for most processes if the prod­ucts are to comply with the most strin­gent inter­na­tional stan­dards. BWT’s systems turn drinking water into  BWT Puri­fied Water or BWT Water for Injec­tion (WFI) in the quality and volume required.

Over 50 years’ expe­ri­ence, tailor-​made solu­tions and our compre­hen­sive service make BWT the perfect partner for puri­fied media systems.
Female chemist analysing water Female chemist analyzing purified water

Membrane – Fuel Cell

Membrane tech­nolo­gies are extremely impor­tant to the BWT Group. Membranes are not only used in water treat­ment – and produced by BWT for this purpose – but are also used to generate energy. An example of this is the pioneering fuel cell, which is also engi­neered using membranes.

So BWT is not just a specialist provider of clean water for every aspect of our lives, but also a driver of inno­va­tion in the search for solu­tions for the produc­tion of sustain­able energy.
BWT hydrogen fuel cell concept car BWT fuel cell concept car

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