World first: Softest Pearlwater with Perfect Taste

BWT presents the Game Changer in Water Treatment with One Pipe Power Pearlwater

Europe's leading water technology company - is once again more than living up to its name BEST WATER TECHNOLOGY. The water specialists with headquarters in Austria and 6,500 employees worldwide are presenting a quantum leap for the sanitary and water treatment industry at ISH 2025 in Frankfurt: One Pipe Power Pearlwater - the world's softest and tastiest mineralized water from just one pipe.

What was once a chal­lenge for plumbing profes­sionals, and consid­ered impos­sible without costly, dual-​piping systems, is now a reality thanks to an inno­v­a­tive concept. The BWT One Pipe Power formula ensures that water from a single pipe is soft­ened throughout the entire building and miner­al­ized and filtered in the kitchen for cold drinks. This revo­lu­tionary system elim­i­nates the need for double-​piping, reducing instal­la­tion time and cost while setting new stan­dards for hygiene. BWT is now a leader in this patented tech­nology that completely trans­forms the approach to drinking water treat­ment.

“Years ago, silky-​soft Pearl­water from BWT revo­lu­tion­ized the market. Since then, millions of home­owners and building oper­a­tors have enjoyed its numerous bene­fits,” says Andreas Weis­senbacher, CEO of BWT. “Now, with One Pipe Power Pearl­water, we’re taking that success story to the next revo­lu­tionary level. We’ve created a solu­tion that will dramat­i­cally improve people's quality of life, enhance the hygiene and safety of water systems in large buildings, and contribute to the sustainable protection of our planet.”


Silky Soft Water meets Perfect Taste

The revo­lu­tionary system features two key compo­nents: the inno­v­a­tive BWT Perla­MAXX or Rondomat duoMAXX soft water systems, which deliver the softest Pearl­water, and the BWT Pearl­water Miner­al­izer Kitchen Set, a smart, under-sink solu­tion that miner­al­izes the water at the touch of a button. This combi­na­tion ensures that BWT provides the highest quality water for every appli­ca­tion, whether in detached or semi-detached homes, multi-unit resi­den­tial build­ings, hotels, offices, or public facil­i­ties.

  1. BWT Pearl­water Systems: As soon as calcareous water enters a building via the existing pipe, BWT’s Perla­MAXX water soft­eners trans­form it into ultra-soft Pearl­water with a hard­ness level of less than 4 °dH. The latest-generation Rondomat duoMAXX water soft­ener is the first series-produced unit with full thermal insu­la­tion and a plug-and-play instal­la­tion concept.

  2. BWT Pearl­water Miner­al­izer Kitchen Set – Powered by Mixxo Pro: The BWT Pearl­water Miner­al­izer Kitchen Set can be easily installed under existing kitchen taps and reminer­al­izes the soft­ened water with valu­able minerals – calcium, magne­sium, and sili­cates as well as hydro­gen­car­bonate – at the touch of a button via an elegant chrome remote control. Replacing the miner­al­iza­tion cartridge under the sink, which can process up to 3,000 liters of water, is simple and quick.

Win-Win-Revolution – For You and Planet Blue

One Pipe Power joins a long list of BWT inno­va­tions with a clear goal: to offer customers enhanced taste, comfort, well-being, and hygiene while making a sustain­able contri­bu­tion to the planet. Building owners, installers, and oper­a­tors benefit from energy savings, fewer break­downs, and reduced repairs to instal­la­tions and appli­ances. Resi­dents enjoy fewer limescale deposits in bath­rooms, less cleaning effort, and a smoother feeling on the skin, softer hair, and notice­ably softer textiles. Addi­tion­ally, the silky-soft Pearl­water reduces the need for deter­gents, cleaning agents, and cosmetics, lowering envi­ron­mental impact.

The tastiest miner­al­ized Pearl­water for drinking, enriched with magne­sium, sili­cates, and bicar­bon­ates, promotes well-being and vitality. With this system, the need for bottled water—whether plastic or glass—is elim­i­nated, saving up to 80% of CO2 emis­sions from trans­porta­tion.

“As part of BWT's mission, ‘For You and Planet Blue,’ we are committed to providing our customers with water quality that they can see, feel, and taste the differ­ence. At the same time, we’re helping protect our planet by reducing the need for bottled water, elim­i­nating trans­port emis­sions, and cutting down on plastic waste. We are espe­cially proud today to present One Pipe Power Pearl­water—a solu­tion that bene­fits our customers, their busi­nesses, and the envi­ron­ment,” said Andreas Weis­senbacher during the presen­ta­tion of One Pipe Power at ISH 2025.

One Pipe Power for certi­fied BWT drinking water profes­sionals

The unique combi­na­tion of maximum soft­ening to less than 4 °dH and subse­quent reminer­al­iza­tion with the touch of a button provides strong advan­tages for profes­sionals in the HVAC and construc­tion indus­tries. Plan­ners, archi­tects, facility manage­ment compa­nies, investors, real estate devel­opers, water treat­ment profes­sionals, kitchen studios, and housing asso­ci­a­tions can rely on BWT's expert team to imple­ment One Pipe Power opti­mally in their projects.

BWT One Pipe Power guar­an­tees the softest and tastiest miner­al­ized Pearl­water from a single pipe while also offering top-tier service and expert advice—both person­ally and digi­tally. Thanks to the intel­li­gent BWT Best Water app, users enjoy seam­less, smart manage­ment of their water appli­ances. The app turns any smart­phone into a personal water assis­tant, with features like reminders, status displays, real-time moni­toring, and on-demand exper­tise always at hand.


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