A Must-Visit Destination - BWT Pearlwater City

BWT Welcomes You to Explore the Future of Water Technology

Pearlwater City
Pearlwater City
At ISH 2025, Europe’s leading water treatment company, BWT, is unveiling an exciting new look and introduces with the “One Pipe Power” innovation - the revolution of the 21st century in the sanitary water industry - a new era in water technology together with installation partners in the sanitary trade and retail. Join BWT on this journey and explore how the company is reshaping the future of water treatment alongside its valued partners.

"Welcome to BWT's Pearl­water City" greets visi­tors above the expan­sive Welcome Area, where BWT’s world of inno­va­tion unfolds. With a dynamic pres­ence at ISH in Frank­furt—the industry’s most signif­i­cant event for sani­tary, heating, and air-​conditioning tech­nolo­gies—BWT's 1,500 square meter exhi­bi­tion stand show­cases cutting-​edge water inno­va­tions, paired with inviting hospi­tality and framed by vibrant PINK neon lights.

“For BWT, ISH is the most impor­tant event in the global water industry,” says Andreas Weißenbacher, CEO of BWT Group. “We’re excited to present our world-​first inno­va­tions on this global stage and immerse ourselves in the future of water tech­nology with profes­sionals from around the world. This future has a name: One Pipe Power Pearl­water. It’s a game-​changing tech­nology that offers the softest and tastiest miner­al­ized water from a single pipe—revo­lu­tion­izing water treat­ment as we know it. We’re confi­dent that our new prod­ucts and unique stand concept will inspire customers and empower them to become pioneers in water treat­ment and sani­tary tech­nology.”

Pearlwater City
Pearlwater City

The Game-​Changer: One Pipe Power Pearl­water

BWT has achieved the unthink­able: deliv­ering both the softest tastiest miner­al­ized Pearl­water from just one pipe. One Pipe Power Pearl­water provides the perfect balance of water soft­ness and taste, making it a world-​first inno­va­tion that’s set to trans­form the industry. Drinking water profes­sionals can now offer their customers water with the best taste and excep­tional quality, all from a single tap.

A Sensory Expe­ri­ence Like No Other

BWT invites drinking water profes­sionals, archi­tects, builders, hotel devel­opers, plan­ners, and installers to immerse them­selves in the bene­fits of One Pipe Power Pearl­water. Visi­tors can expe­ri­ence a sensory journey: enjoy the unique taste of miner­al­ized Pearl­water at the BWT Pearl­water Bar, explore inter­ac­tive stations that high­light the advan­tages of soft, pearl-​like water for health, enjoy­ment, and savings, and discover the design and conve­nience of the Pearl­water Miner­al­izer kitchen set, powered by Mixxo Pro, in the BWT Pearl­water Apart­ment.

Pearlwater City
Pearlwater City

Pearl­water City: A PINK Journey Through Inno­va­tion

Pearl­water City offers a colorful, vibrant explo­ration of water tech­nology in a world framed by pink inno­va­tion. Upon entering the expan­sive Welcome Center, guests can explore Pearl­water City Square, the heart of the exhibit, surrounded by the two-​story Perla­MAXX Revo­lu­tion Building, the Water Inno­va­tion Center, the Inter­na­tional District, the Pearls Arena, and the stylish Pearl­water Bistro. 

Span­ning over 1,500 square meters, the area is designed for easy navi­ga­tion, guided by a creative City Pocket Guide. The BWT Event App ensures seam­less access to event details, including partic­i­pa­tion in the Pearl­water Hero Chal­lenge, exciting presen­ta­tions in the Pearls Arena, and other special expe­ri­ences throughout the event.

Pearl­water City High­lights

The striking Perla­MAXX Revo­lu­tion Building, with its impres­sive product presen­ta­tions, is the first thing that catches the eye. Guests can explore BWT's world inno­va­tion, One Pipe Power Pearl­water, and learn how to offer their customers the softest, tastiest miner­al­ized water from a single pipe. BWT will also show­case a range of water dispenser solu­tions in the "Best Water Hotel Room" and offer insights into the future of the hotel and top-​tier restau­rant indus­tries. 

The Water Inno­va­tion Center high­lights BWT's exper­tise in domestic, building, and indus­trial tech­nology. This section focuses on the silent heroes of water treat­ment systems used in cities, hospi­tals, schools, sports facil­i­ties, museums, hotels, and restau­rants – often hidden from view but crucial for reli­able, pure water. BWT's membrane experts, Fumatech and Fumega, will also be on display. 

The Inter­na­tional District of Pearl­water City targets global markets outside the DACH region, show­casing BWT's inter­na­tional reach and prod­ucts. The Pearls Arena invites guests to attend presen­ta­tions, lectures, and product demon­stra­tions of world-​first inno­va­tions.

Pearlwater City
Pearlwater City
Pearlwater City
Pearlwater City
Pearlwater City

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