BWT presents new revo­lu­tionary DIR gener­a­tion of back­wash filters for optimum drinking water hygiene

BWT MACH Filter – The 5 second backwash filter

At ISH 2025 in Frankfurt, technology leader BWT from Austria will unveil its new MACH filter product range, featuring patented rotary-pulse backwash (DIR) technology and anew design.

Inno­v­a­tive water filtra­tion tech­nology meets proven quality with the new MACH filter from BWT, setting new stan­dards for basic protec­tion in drinking water systems. Thanks to the advanced DIR back­wash tech­nology, the BWT MACH filter is a robust, effi­cient, reli­able, and sustain­able solu­tion for protecting drinking water instal­la­tions against particle ingress. The choice of filter element size and the improved cleaning of the filter surfaces ensure clean, particle-free drinking water. “In devel­oping the new gener­a­tion of BWT MACH back­wash filters, we have not only created a visu­ally appealing product, but the patented DIR tech­nology combines perfect filter back­washing with resource conser­va­tion like never before. It also stands out for its ease of use,” says Stefan Remmert, Managing Director of BWT Austria, describing the filter inno­va­tion from Mondsee.

The BWT MACH filter will be intro­duced in the market on 15th July 2025 in a manual version, both with a pres­sure reducer (HWS) and without (RSF), and in all common dimen­sions (¾ to 2 inches).

Effi­cient, Reli­able and Sustain­able

Thanks to BWT MACH filter’s inno­v­a­tive DIR back­wash tech­nology, a perfect filtra­tion result is achieved. Drip­ping taps and damage to house­hold appli­ances are avoided, while the breeding ground for bacteria in drinking water is mini­mized. DIR tech­nology ensures safe cleaning of the filter element, guar­an­tees reli­able long-term use, and reduces water consump­tion during the back­washing process. This makes the BWT MACH filter not only envi­ron­men­tally friendly but also highly resource effi­cient. As a result, drinking water is effec­tively filtered following sustain­able prin­ci­ples.

High-quality Mate­rials and Dura­bility

The BWT MACH filter is made from high-quality, sustain­able mate­rials, ensuring it is robust and lead-free. The filter head and connec­tion module are made of lead-free brass, and a special coating on the filter head ensures long service life and optimal protec­tion against corro­sion. The filter element is crafted from a high-quality stainless-steel mesh, ensuring perfectly hygienic water treat­ment. The large filter surface effec­tively retains even the finest parti­cles. Addi­tion­ally, the intel­li­gent internal design ensures optimal cleaning during the back­washing process.

Simple Oper­a­tion – Prac­tical and Conve­nient – The 5 seconds back­wash filter

The oper­a­tion of the BWT MACH filter is as intu­itive as it is effec­tive. The filter element is hygien­i­cally cleaned in two back­wash phases. During the first phase, coarse parti­cles are flushed out, and in the second phase, the filter element is cleaned down to the pores. The back­wash process is acti­vated with just one 90° turn of the filter handle, either to the left or right. The filter is cleaned of fine parti­cles in just four seconds. The back­wash process stops auto­mat­i­cally once the handle is released. Thanks to its intel­li­gent design, the back­wash valve opens fully, allowing for partic­u­larly hygienic back­washing. An inte­grated viewing window on the housing also enables visual inspec­tion of the filter sieve.

Opti­mized Connec­tion Tech­nology

With the advanced Hydro­MODUL connec­tion (for ¾“ to 1 ¼”), the filter can be installed in just seconds. This makes the filter incred­ibly flex­ible to use—even in vertical drinking water pipes or in tight spaces—without the need for tools or addi­tional wall brackets. The new BWT Hydro­MODUL is also backward-compatible with existing Hydro­MODUL connec­tions.

Smart App Reminders

Main­taining the BWT MACH filter is easier than ever with the BWT Best Water app. After regis­tering the product, users will receive auto­matic reminders via the app or email. These reminders include noti­fi­ca­tions for regular back­washing every 6 months, filter main­te­nance, and filter replace­ment every five years, or for replacing the filter cup and DR insert every 10 years. This ensures drinking water remains hygien­i­cally clean while keeping main­te­nance simple and effi­cient.


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