Sports spon­soring

Motor sports

From Formula 1, touring cars through to hydrogen-​powered racing cars: it's hard to imagine the world's race tracks without BWT and the colour pink today.
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BWT in motor sports

Motor Sports

Pink - the colour of motor racing

Espe­cially in motor­sport, the color PINK can no longer be over­looked. In the top class of motor­sport – Formula 1 – the BWT branding remains a fixed compo­nent.

From the 2022 season onwards, the Alpine F1 Team and BWT will be going down the same road and enter a new era as the BWT Alpine F1 Team. The strategic, long-​term part­ner­ship makes it possible to use the iconic pink BWT branding to spread the message of sustain­ability and social respon­si­bility around the world, lever­aging the shared global plat­forms of Formula 1 and the auto­mo­tive industry. The pink color symbol­izes BWT's mission to "Change the World – sip by sip"

Formula racing

Formula 1

BWT and Alpine consis­tently pursuing the joint mission of providing water in perfect quality straight out of the tap for everyone - every­where. The Formula 1 company Alpine, which finished 4th place in the overall world Team-​Championship last year and its two drivers Esteban Ocon and Pierre Gasly are fully commited to BWT's water treat­ment concept. Both compa­nies share the moti­va­tion to drive change, to achieve success and to spread the impor­tant message - 'Change the World - sip by sip'.
BWT Alpine Gasly

Hydrogen-​​powered racing car

FORZE Hydrogen Elec­tric Racing

FORZE is a team of students at the Delft Univer­sity of Tech­nology who have succeeded in building the first hydrogen-​​​​​​powered racing car in the world. BWT-​Fumatech- is committed as a partner by being a silver sponsor.

Driver spon­soring

Douwe Dedecker

An essen­tial part of any sport is and remains the work with young talent. That is why BWT is also committed to the young motor­sports athletes. Douwe Dedecker - the respected kart driver is well on the way to real­izing his dream as a motor sportsman or Formula 1 racing driver.
Douwe racing car

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