BWT X Windhager Best Water Run

For You and Planet Blue
World Water Day World Water Day
The mission of our Best Water Run is to raise awareness about the struggles many people worldwide face in accessing clean drinking water and to generate funds for building water wells in communities that need them most. Last year, our first international event brought together 5,000 participants across 32 countries, covering 30,000 km. This year, we are proud to relaunch our impactful initiative to support this crucial cause.
Walking Person
Walking Person



April 28th – May 23rd

Countdown Timer

Girl with water Girl with water Girl with water


It is easy to take clean drinking water for granted. For many of us, clean water is just a step away from the nearest tap. But for more than 2 billion people world­wide, this is not the reality. According to the UN, 500 million of these indi­vid­uals live in Africa. Imagine waking up every morning knowing your first task is to walk 6 kilo­me­ters, carrying 20 kilograms of water back home.

Once again, we are coming together to raise aware­ness


By running a symbolic 6 km, we will raise funds to help build wells in The Gambia and Tanzania


For every partic­i­pant, BWT will donate €6, with all funds going to the b.water­MIS­SION project.

b.water mission
b.water mission


Sustain­able water supply systems


b.waterMission is the flag­ship project of the AQUA Pearls Foun­da­tion. It is a trans­for­ma­tive project that improves people’s long-​term quality of life by building water wells.

Since the first b.water­MIS­SION water well was built in 2019, almost 83,000 people in Tanzania and The Gambia have gained access to clean drinking water within 150 metres of their homes. In total, almost 600 million litres are already distrib­uted.

Join us in 2025 and be a Change­maker

Run for a world where everyone has access to clean water. Our vision is simple: to Change the World, sip by sip. Your partic­i­pa­tion is more than just a run – it’s a step toward real change.

Event Details

You can choose when to run between April 28th and May 23rd


Wher­ever you want!


How much does it cost?
The entry fee is FREE!


What do partic­i­pants receive?
A special edition Climate Bottle


How else can you support the event?
Share your run on social media, tag @bwtglobal and @windhagerdieheizung, and use the hashtag #Best­Wa­terRun!

For more infor­ma­tion follow our @bwtglobal insta­gram page

Best water run

Already motivated to run for a good cause?

Just regis­ter and choose your preferred special edition bottle!
WWD Bottle
WWD Bottle

Our 2024 run was a great success

Thanks to nearly 5,000 participants from 32 countries, we raised funds for three new wells in communities that urgently needed them.

In 2025, we’re aiming higher – we want to double our impact!


How can I register?

Simply register using the form on the website. You will then be redirected to the shop, where you can choose your bottle.

Can I partic­i­pate from every­where?

Yes, you can choose wherever you want to run. Alone or in small groups.

How will the funds be used?

All funds raised will go towards building water wells in The Gambia and Tanzania, providing clean and accessible water to communities in need.

Where can I share my run?

Post a photo on social media, tag @bwtglobal and @windhagerdieheizung and use #BestWaterRun
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Regis­ter now and choose your preferred special edition bottle!

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