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BWT AQA-CLEAN Kit - Maintenance Kit


Annual maintenance products for water softeners: preserve the performance of your softener

The water softener is a domestic water treatment device that handles hard water through ion exchange resins and regenerating salt specifically designed for softeners. These components require special maintenance to:

  • Maintain optimal hygiene,
  • Ensure the ion exchange capability of turning hard water into soft water,
  • Preserve the performance of your water softener.

This annual maintenance pack includes:

  • 2 bottles of resin cleaner: resins accumulate impurities and should be cleaned regularly
  • 1 bottle of resin protector: it is recommended to clean the resins once a year to eliminate potential bacteria
  • 1 hardness test: after treatment, measure the hardness of your water to confirm that your device is working correctly

Benefits of maintenance products for the softener

The annual maintenance products for the softener

  • Are pre-measured: they make the annual maintenance of your softener quick and easy,
  • Are compatible with all softener brands,
  • Significantly improve the performance of your softener.

Maintaining your softener with annual maintenance products

  1. Open the salt tank.
    Two-body device: lift the lid of the salt tank.
    Monobloc device: remove the salt cover.
  2. Open the chimney cap (PVC tube usually gray)
  3. Pour in the entire contents of one or two bottles* of resin cleaner. (*depending on the size of the softener, see below)
  4. Close the cap.
  5. Start the regeneration process. A week later, do the same with the resin protector. The resin cleaner and resin protector should not be used at the same time.

*Recommended dosage according to the liter capacity of resins in the softener:

  • 1 bottle for softeners with 8 to 22 liters of resins.
  • 2 bottles for softeners with 28 to 50 liters of resins.

Dettagli tecnici

Compatible with: All water softeners
Contenance: 1 x 125mL (désinfectant), 2 x 125 mL (nettoyant résines), Réactif : 10ml
Lifespan: 1 Year