Connettività intelligente

APP BWT Best Water Home

Con l'App BWT Best Water Home, potete tenere sotto controllo i vostri prodotti BWT ovunque e in qualsiasi momento.
BWT@home App BWT@home App

app BWT Best Water Home


Connettività intelligente per i vostri dispositivi BWT

Benvenuti nel mondo digitale di BWT. Godetevi la piena connettività con l'app BWT Best Water Home. Mettetevi comodi e monitorate i vostri sistemi BWT comodamente tramite il vostro smartphone o tablet, ovunque vi troviate. Avrete sempre una visione d'insieme dei vostri dispositivi e potrete usufruire della massima assistenza. Tuffatevi subito nel mondo BWT e scaricate oggi stesso l'App BWT Best Water Home!

I vantaggi

Con l'App BWT Best Water Home, potete tenere sotto controllo i vostri prodotti BWT ovunque e in qualsiasi momento:

  • Visualizzazione affidabile dello stato del vostro prodotto BWT
  • Promemoria periodici sul vostro prodotto
  • Comodo riordino online dei materiali di consumo
  • Contatto diretto con il servizio clienti BWT e con il vostro partner di assistenza.
BWT@home App BWT@home App

Download dell'app

Scaricate subito l'app gratuita
App Store
Google Play


Qui potete trovare le risposte alle domande più frequenti

Registration in the app not possible

Please check the internet connection of your smartphone. Registration is only possible if an Internet connection is available.

Please check the login data and reset the password you have chosen if necessary.

Occasionally the servers need maintenance. If this is the case, a service message with the maintenance period is displayed. Please try again after this time.

I do not have an Android or iOS operating system.

Unfortunately your operating system is not supported. You cannot use the BWT Best Water Home App.

Device status and app do not match?

Check the Internet connection of your device and make sure that your phone has an upright Internet connection.

After initial activation or during operation, the status is only checked once an hour via GSM. Deviations may therefore occur. If the deviations persist beyond the period of one hour, please contact the BWT service hotline (customer service).

How do I activate the connectivity mode?

In order to use the BWT Best Water Home App, it must be connected to your BWT Pearl Water System. For this purpose the so-called "connectivity mode" must be activated:

  • Click on "Settings" in the menu
  • Under "Device settings" activate the check mark for "Connectivity mode".

Link does not work?

Please check the Internet connection and the availability of the desired App Store of your smartphone. Please try again afterwards.

Holiday mode cannot be deactivated?

For security reasons, the holiday mode can only be deactivated on the device itself. Please go to the device for this purpose.
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