BWT Tischwasserfilter Penguin orange
Penguin Orange
Penguin Orange
Penguin Orange
BWT Tischwasserfilter Penguin orange

Penguin, con 1 cartucho filtrante

Jarra filtrante

Color: Fresh Orange
Actual­mente sólo puedes obtener este artículo por encargo.
Soli­cita un presu­puesto
Número de pedido: 815074
  • Volumen de agua filtrada: 1,5 l
  • Incluye 1 cartucho Magne­sium Mine­ra­lized Water
  • Enri­quece el agua del grifo con magnesio
  • El magnesio mejora el sabor del agua
  • De esta forma, podrás preparar café e infu­siones con todo su sabor
  • Un producto de calidad fabri­cado en Italia, libre de BPA

Deta­lles del producto

La jarra filtrante Penguin, con un volumen de 1,5 litros de agua filtrada, luce un diseño incon­fun­dible y es perfec­ta­mente ergo­nó­mica y muy cómoda.

Por supuesto, la jarra Penguin no tiene BPA y se puede lavar fácil­mente en el lava­va­ji­llas (salvo la tapa con indi­cador elec­tró­nico). Además, podrás relle­narla cómo­da­mente y sin salpi­ca­duras gracias a la válvula de llenado.

El indi­cador de recambio elec­tró­nico, te avisará cuando llegue el momento perfecto para cambiar los cartu­chos. Gracias a su diseño, cabe cómo­da­mente en cual­quier frigo­rí­fico, para disfrutar del agua a la tempe­ra­tura perfecta. Además, está dispo­nible en blanco, azul oscuro o rosa palo, para que siempre encuen­tres el modelo perfecto para ti.

Un aroma del que disfrutar todo el día

Mediante las tecno­lo­gías exclu­sivas de BWT, el agua del grifo adquiere una nueva dimen­sión: filtrada y enri­que­cida con magnesio o magnesio y zinc.

Al tomar agua, café o infu­siones, con el aporte de magnesio y la reduc­ción de cloro, cal y metales pesados (en caso de que estén conte­nidos en el agua), notarás la dife­rencia con un agua del grifo de mejor sabor.

Penguin Content 3


Deta­lles técnicos

Carac­te­rís­ticas del producto

Número de pedido 815074
Capa­cidad del agua filtrada 1,5 l
Capa­cidad total 2,7 l
Indi­cador de cambio del filtro Easy-​Control (contador elec­tró­nico)
Dimen­siones (An x Al x P) 11,3 x 27,8 x 25,2
Alcance del sumi­nistro 1 filtro de agua de mesa, 1 cartucho de filtro
Penguin Mood
Penguin Mood

Preguntas frecuentes sobre nues­tras jarras filtrantes

How many litres of water can I filter with a filter cartridge?

The service life of the filter cartridge varies depen­ding on where it is used, as the water is not the same everyw­here. The capa­city of the filter cartridge depends on the hard­ness of the water. The harder the water, the earlier the filter cartridge is exhausted.


Soft Filtered Water  120 L bei KH* = 12 - 14 °dH
Soft Filtered Water EXTRA 120 L bei KH* = 15 - 18 °dH

Magne­sium Mine­ra­lized Water,
Magne­sium Mine­ra­lized Water + Zinc

120 L bei TH* = 15 - 18 °dH
Balanced Alka­lized Water 120 L

*KH = Carbo­nate Hard­ness, TH = Total Hard­ness


The speci­fied subs­tances, e.g. lead and copper, which are reduced by the filter, are not present in all drin­king water. The filter cartridges fulfil the micro­bio­lo­gical requi­re­ments for table water filters accor­ding to DIN 10521. The requi­re­ments for chlo­rine, lead and copper reten­tion accor­ding to DIN 10521 are also fulfi­lled. .

Where can I buy filter cartridges?

You can buy filter cartridges in retail stores or order them easily and conve­niently in our online shop.

How does the elec­tronic change indi­cator "Easy-​Control" work?

Model A

The Easy-​Control preci­sely counts the number of fillings and the service life and reminds you to change the filter cartridge by flas­hing the display. Please note that the Easy-​Control indi­cates the number of fillings (the volume of the funnel varies depen­ding on the BWT table water filter system) and not how many litres of water have been filtered. However, the filter cartridge should be changed after four weeks at the latest, even if the capa­city of the filter cartridge - i.e. the number of fillings - has not yet been reached. The Easy Control display will flash to indi­cate this.

Model B

The Easy-​Control"" counts the time of use (28 days) and reminds you to change the filter cartridge by flas­hing the display. Commis­sio­ning After the table water filter has been put into opera­tion for the first time, the change indi­cator flashes. Press and hold the push button for three seconds. The display then auto­ma­ti­cally sets itself to 100% and the ""Easy-​Control"" is now ready for use. Coun­ting function After the first seven days of use, the first bar on the display goes out - that is, 75% of the service life is left. After another 14 days, the second bar goes out - half of the power has been used. If the third bar disap­pears after 21 days, there is still 25% power left. Chan­ging the filter cartridge: The maximum service life is reached after 28 days. The display starts flas­hing. Now it is neces­sary to change the filter cartridge. After inser­ting the new filter cartridge, press the push button for 3 seconds. The counter then auto­ma­ti­cally sets itself to 100%."

What is magne­sium?

Magne­sium is an essen­tial mineral for humans that cannot be produced by the body itself. The daily requi­re­ment is approx. 300 mg (accor­ding to the German Nutri­tion Society), but can be even higher in special situa­tions such as stress. Magne­sium not only supports our physical and mental perfor­mance and supplies our muscles, it is also an impor­tant taste carrier. With BWT Magne­sium Mine­ra­lized Water you can support your personal magne­sium balance.

What do I have to consider before using my table water filter for the first time and when chan­ging the filter cartridge?

Before first use or after repla­cing the filter cartridge, you should clean the pot, funnel and lid of the BWT table water filter system with deter­gent and rinse thoroughly with warm water. Do not use a scou­ring agent or a scrub­bing sponge as this may leave scrat­ches on the BWT table water filter. Jug and funnel are dish­wa­sher safe. The lid must not be washed in the dish­wa­sher.

In order to achieve the best possible filter perfor­mance, we recom­mend placing the new filter cartridge in tap water for five minutes and then pouring this water away. Table water filter FAQ Then insert the new filter cartridge with slight pres­sure into the funnel of the table water filter system.

If the table water filter is equipped with the Easy-​Fill"" auto­matic filling system in the lid, the lid does not need to be removed during filling. The ""Easy-​Fill"" system opens auto­ma­ti­cally when the water jet hits the opening and closes auto­ma­ti­cally after filling. Pour away the first filtered water filling and refill the BWT table water filter system. Initially there may be fine black parti­cles in the water. This is comple­tely harm­less acti­vated carbon that is flushed out of the filter. In this case we recom­mend refi­lling until the water is clear and free of parti­cles. The BWT table water filter system is now ready for use

How long can I use the filter cartridges?

In order to achieve an optimum filter effect, you should replace the filter cartridge every four weeks at the latest.

However, if the Easy-​Control (Model A) shows 100 fillings on the display before the end of the four weeks, the filter cartridge must be changed before the end of the four weeks. This is indi­cated by a flas­hing filter cartridge on the display. "

What do I have to consider with my table water filter?

  • Do not expose the jug or filter cartridge to direct sunlight. Do not filter more than eight to ten litres of water per day.
  • Only use cold tap water that meets the legal requi­re­ments for drin­king water. BWT table water filters are not suitable for trea­ting water of ques­tio­nable origin into drin­king water.
  • For persons with limited immune defence and for the prepa­ra­tion of infant food, we recom­mend boiling the filtered water addi­tio­nally.
  • Do not use abra­sive clea­ning agents to clean the filter parts.
  • If use is inte­rrupted for a longer period of time, we recom­mend that you store the table water filter system together with the filter cartridge in the refri­ge­rator.
  • If there is a break in use of more than two days - for example a weekend - we recom­mend that you pour away the first filling and refill the table water filter.
  • If your table water filter is not used for more than two weeks, you should replace the filter cartridge. "

How do the BWT filter cartridges work?

In the BWT table water filter system, drin­king water is filtered in four stages:

Stage 1: Parti­cles are filtered out of the water.

Stage 2: Depen­ding on which filter cartridge tech­no­logy you have chosen, the water is treated accor­dingly:

  • Soft Filtered Water: Lime and heavy metal content are reduced.
  • Soft Filtered Water Extra: Lime and heavy metal content are reduced more.
  • Magne­sium Mine­ra­lized Water: Lime and heavy metal content are reduced, calcium ions are replaced by magne­sium ions.
  • Magne­sium Mine­ra­lized Water + ZINC: Lime and heavy metal content are reduced, calcium ions are replaced by magne­sium ions and zinc is added to the water.
  • Balanced Alka­lized Water: The heavy metal content is reduced and the pH value of the water is increased to >8.5.

Stage 3: Odour and taste distur­bing subs­tances such as chlo­rine and certain organic impu­ri­ties are filtered out of the water.

Stage 4: Fine filtra­tion is carried out.

How does my BWT table water filter contri­bute to limes­cale protec­tion in my home?

The world­wide unique BWT patent, which is also used in BWT table water filters, provides effec­tive protec­tion against limes­cale. For example, if the filtered water is used in hot water appliances such as coffee machines or kettles. Although the water in a table water filter is not softened in the classic sense, it is decar­bo­nised. The total hard­ness bound to the carbo­nate hard­ness (tempo­rary hard­ness) is replaced by hydrogen, and the pH value in the water is reduced at the same time. With classic softe­ning, the entire hard­ness (tempo­rary and perma­nent) would be replaced. The effect is the same: the water is softened, your equip­ment is protected from anno­ying limes­cale depo­sits.

Where and for how long can I best store the filtered water?

It is best to store the filtered water in your refri­ge­rator. Our models are ideal for most refri­ge­rator doors on the market. The filtered water should not be stored for more than 24 hours. If the water is left in the jug for more than 24 hours, pour the water away and filter fresh water.

What is the best way to main­tain the filter system?

Clean the BWT Magne­sium Mine­ra­lizer once a week with mild soapy water and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Do not use abra­sive clea­ning agents or scrub­bing sponges, as scratch marks may appear on the water filter system. Jug and funnel are dish­wa­sher safe. In the course of using the BWT water filter system, limes­cale stains may appear on the lid of the BWT water filter system in parti­cular due to the drying of water droplets.

The limes­cale stains can be removed with a commer­cially avai­lable desca­ling agent. The lid inclu­ding Easy-​Control"" must not be cleaned in the dish­wa­sher.

Tischwasserfilter FAQ
Tischwasserfilter FAQ

How do I remove the "Easy-​Control" to clean the lid?

We gene­rally recom­mend leaving the lid with "Easy-​Control" in the lid insert and clea­ning it by hand, as the "Easy-​Control" is not dishwasher-​safe. If it is neces­sary to remove the "Easy-​Control" comple­tely from the lid, please press it with a screw­driver from the under­side of the lid against the slightly protru­ding plastic tab and care­fully push the "Easy-​Control" upwards. After remo­ving the "Easy-​Control", you can fix it again by slightly fitting it in/clic­king it in.

Where are the cartridges and filter systems produced?

As a quality manu­fac­turer, all our water filter cartridges are produced in Mondsee, Austria. There is a state-​of-the-art produc­tion faci­lity, which is subject to conti­nuous quality controls. The filter systems are produced in Germany and meet the highest requi­re­ments for mate­rial and proces­sing through "Made in Germany".
Tischwasserfilter FAQ
Tischwasserfilter FAQ

Do the mate­rials from which the table water filter and the filter cartridges are made contain BPA (Bisphenol-​A)?

No, neither the table water filter nor the filter cartridges are made of plas­tics that release plas­ti­ci­zers such as BPA into the water. This is strictly moni­tored by migra­tion tests carried out by inde­pen­dent insti­tutes.

The table water filter consists of SAN and ABS. PP and PPS are used to manu­fac­ture the filter cartridges.


How is the quality of the filter cartridges guaran­teed?

Our produc­tion faci­li­ties in Austria and Germany are in accor­dance with the strict ISO guide­lines and the hygiene regu­la­tions of the HACCP concept and have been inspected several times by inde­pen­dent audi­tors. In order to meet the highest hygiene requi­re­ments, our filter cartridges are steri­lized and provided with a low silver content (in accor­dance with the recom­men­da­tions of the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion WHO). This enables us to achieve a consis­tently high level of quality. Only in this way can we ensure that the sensi­tive product drin­king water is always handled in accor­dance with the highest hygiene stan­dards.
Tischwasserfilter FAQ
Tischwasserfilter FAQ

What does the filter granu­late consist of?

Our filter granu­late consists of a care­fully balanced mixture of acti­vated carbon and ion exchan­gers. Thanks to its large surface struc­ture, the acti­vated carbon binds subs­tances that impair taste, such as chlo­rine and chlo­rine compounds. The ion exchan­gers absorb lime-​forming subs­tances and heavy metals such as lead and copper and thus extract them from the filtered water.

Using the Magen­sium Mine­ra­lized Water as an example, the BWT filter granu­late is addi­tio­nally equipped with the patented magne­sium tech­no­logy, which releases magne­sium ions into the filtered water in exchange with calcium ions. This means that the pH value is lowered less than with conven­tional table water filters. The result is a better taste of the water and the food and drinks prepared with it.

Tischwasserfilter FAQ
Tischwasserfilter FAQ

How long do BWT filter cartridges last?

If stored properly, the original BWT filter cartridges can be stored for several years.

Proper storage means:

  • At tempe­ra­tures between 1°C and 40°C.
  • The filter cartridges should always be stored in the original packa­ging foil until the filter cartridge is changed.
  • The filter cartridges should be stored cool, dry and protected from sunlight.
Tischwasserfilter FAQ
Tischwasserfilter FAQ

Is fluo­ride filtered or reduced from the water by the BWT filter cartridge?

No, the BWT filter cartridge is not designed to filter fluo­ride out of the water or to reduce the amount of fluo­ride.
Tischwasserfilter FAQ
Tischwasserfilter FAQ

What do I do with the used filter cartridge?

Always observe local disposal regu­la­tions!

Filter cartridges and filter filling: Dispose of exhausted filter cartridges and filter fillings in household waste.

Packa­ging mate­rial: If locally possible, dispose of foils and card­board boxes in the waste sepa­ra­tion system. This helps to protect the envi­ron­ment.

Table water filter system: If locally possible, feed the table water filter system into the waste sepa­ra­tion system. This helps to protect the envi­ron­ment.

The Easy-​Control change indi­cator is an elec­tronic compo­nent that must be disposed of in accor­dance with local regu­la­tions and statu­tory provi­sions. The change indi­cator can be removed from the lid using a screw­driver atta­ched to the edge of the Easy-​Control.  The Easy-​Control should only be removed from the lid during disposal.


What happens if a part is defec­tive or broken?

We replace the defec­tive part comple­tely (e.g. the lid) within the scope of the statu­tory warranty of 2 years and send the spare part postage paid to the end user.
Tischwasserfilter FAQ

How many litres of water can I filter with a filter cartridge?

The service life of the filter cartridge varies depen­ding on where it is used, as the water is not the same everyw­here. The capa­city of the filter cartridge depends on the hard­ness of the water. The harder the water, the earlier the filter cartridge is exhausted.


Soft Filtered Water  120 L bei KH* = 12 - 14 °dH
Soft Filtered Water EXTRA 120 L bei KH* = 15 - 18 °dH

Magne­sium Mine­ra­lized Water,
Magne­sium Mine­ra­lized Water + Zinc

120 L bei TH* = 15 - 18 °dH
Balanced Alka­lized Water 120 L

*KH = Carbo­nate Hard­ness, TH = Total Hard­ness


The speci­fied subs­tances, e.g. lead and copper, which are reduced by the filter, are not present in all drin­king water. The filter cartridges fulfil the micro­bio­lo­gical requi­re­ments for table water filters accor­ding to DIN 10521. The requi­re­ments for chlo­rine, lead and copper reten­tion accor­ding to DIN 10521 are also fulfi­lled. .

Where can I buy filter cartridges?

You can buy filter cartridges in retail stores or order them easily and conve­niently in our online shop.

How does the elec­tronic change indi­cator "Easy-​Control" work?

Model A

The Easy-​Control preci­sely counts the number of fillings and the service life and reminds you to change the filter cartridge by flas­hing the display. Please note that the Easy-​Control indi­cates the number of fillings (the volume of the funnel varies depen­ding on the BWT table water filter system) and not how many litres of water have been filtered. However, the filter cartridge should be changed after four weeks at the latest, even if the capa­city of the filter cartridge - i.e. the number of fillings - has not yet been reached. The Easy Control display will flash to indi­cate this.

Model B

The Easy-​Control"" counts the time of use (28 days) and reminds you to change the filter cartridge by flas­hing the display. Commis­sio­ning After the table water filter has been put into opera­tion for the first time, the change indi­cator flashes. Press and hold the push button for three seconds. The display then auto­ma­ti­cally sets itself to 100% and the ""Easy-​Control"" is now ready for use. Coun­ting function After the first seven days of use, the first bar on the display goes out - that is, 75% of the service life is left. After another 14 days, the second bar goes out - half of the power has been used. If the third bar disap­pears after 21 days, there is still 25% power left. Chan­ging the filter cartridge: The maximum service life is reached after 28 days. The display starts flas­hing. Now it is neces­sary to change the filter cartridge. After inser­ting the new filter cartridge, press the push button for 3 seconds. The counter then auto­ma­ti­cally sets itself to 100%."

What is magne­sium?

Magne­sium is an essen­tial mineral for humans that cannot be produced by the body itself. The daily requi­re­ment is approx. 300 mg (accor­ding to the German Nutri­tion Society), but can be even higher in special situa­tions such as stress. Magne­sium not only supports our physical and mental perfor­mance and supplies our muscles, it is also an impor­tant taste carrier. With BWT Magne­sium Mine­ra­lized Water you can support your personal magne­sium balance.

What do I have to consider before using my table water filter for the first time and when chan­ging the filter cartridge?

Before first use or after repla­cing the filter cartridge, you should clean the pot, funnel and lid of the BWT table water filter system with deter­gent and rinse thoroughly with warm water. Do not use a scou­ring agent or a scrub­bing sponge as this may leave scrat­ches on the BWT table water filter. Jug and funnel are dish­wa­sher safe. The lid must not be washed in the dish­wa­sher.

In order to achieve the best possible filter perfor­mance, we recom­mend placing the new filter cartridge in tap water for five minutes and then pouring this water away. Table water filter FAQ Then insert the new filter cartridge with slight pres­sure into the funnel of the table water filter system.

If the table water filter is equipped with the Easy-​Fill"" auto­matic filling system in the lid, the lid does not need to be removed during filling. The ""Easy-​Fill"" system opens auto­ma­ti­cally when the water jet hits the opening and closes auto­ma­ti­cally after filling. Pour away the first filtered water filling and refill the BWT table water filter system. Initially there may be fine black parti­cles in the water. This is comple­tely harm­less acti­vated carbon that is flushed out of the filter. In this case we recom­mend refi­lling until the water is clear and free of parti­cles. The BWT table water filter system is now ready for use

How long can I use the filter cartridges?

In order to achieve an optimum filter effect, you should replace the filter cartridge every four weeks at the latest.

However, if the Easy-​Control (Model A) shows 100 fillings on the display before the end of the four weeks, the filter cartridge must be changed before the end of the four weeks. This is indi­cated by a flas­hing filter cartridge on the display. "

What do I have to consider with my table water filter?

  • Do not expose the jug or filter cartridge to direct sunlight. Do not filter more than eight to ten litres of water per day.
  • Only use cold tap water that meets the legal requi­re­ments for drin­king water. BWT table water filters are not suitable for trea­ting water of ques­tio­nable origin into drin­king water.
  • For persons with limited immune defence and for the prepa­ra­tion of infant food, we recom­mend boiling the filtered water addi­tio­nally.
  • Do not use abra­sive clea­ning agents to clean the filter parts.
  • If use is inte­rrupted for a longer period of time, we recom­mend that you store the table water filter system together with the filter cartridge in the refri­ge­rator.
  • If there is a break in use of more than two days - for example a weekend - we recom­mend that you pour away the first filling and refill the table water filter.
  • If your table water filter is not used for more than two weeks, you should replace the filter cartridge. "

How do the BWT filter cartridges work?

In the BWT table water filter system, drin­king water is filtered in four stages:

Stage 1: Parti­cles are filtered out of the water.

Stage 2: Depen­ding on which filter cartridge tech­no­logy you have chosen, the water is treated accor­dingly:

  • Soft Filtered Water: Lime and heavy metal content are reduced.
  • Soft Filtered Water Extra: Lime and heavy metal content are reduced more.
  • Magne­sium Mine­ra­lized Water: Lime and heavy metal content are reduced, calcium ions are replaced by magne­sium ions.
  • Magne­sium Mine­ra­lized Water + ZINC: Lime and heavy metal content are reduced, calcium ions are replaced by magne­sium ions and zinc is added to the water.
  • Balanced Alka­lized Water: The heavy metal content is reduced and the pH value of the water is increased to >8.5.

Stage 3: Odour and taste distur­bing subs­tances such as chlo­rine and certain organic impu­ri­ties are filtered out of the water.

Stage 4: Fine filtra­tion is carried out.

How does my BWT table water filter contri­bute to limes­cale protec­tion in my home?

The world­wide unique BWT patent, which is also used in BWT table water filters, provides effec­tive protec­tion against limes­cale. For example, if the filtered water is used in hot water appliances such as coffee machines or kettles. Although the water in a table water filter is not softened in the classic sense, it is decar­bo­nised. The total hard­ness bound to the carbo­nate hard­ness (tempo­rary hard­ness) is replaced by hydrogen, and the pH value in the water is reduced at the same time. With classic softe­ning, the entire hard­ness (tempo­rary and perma­nent) would be replaced. The effect is the same: the water is softened, your equip­ment is protected from anno­ying limes­cale depo­sits.

Where and for how long can I best store the filtered water?

It is best to store the filtered water in your refri­ge­rator. Our models are ideal for most refri­ge­rator doors on the market. The filtered water should not be stored for more than 24 hours. If the water is left in the jug for more than 24 hours, pour the water away and filter fresh water.
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BWT Tischwasserfilter Penguin orange

Penguin, con 1 cartucho filtrante

Fresh Orange Selec­ciona variante del producto


Alexa’s Earth

“Mi blog anima a todo el mundo a cuidar de los recursos natu­rales y a inte­grar solu­ciones soste­ni­bles en el día a día. Me refiero a cosas tan senci­llas como mejorar el agua del grifo con una jarra filtrante de BWT, en lugar de beber agua embo­te­llada.”

Alexa’s Earth

Bloguera alemana dedi­cada a la soste­ni­bi­lidad


Calidad de BWT

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