Cosmy the bot
Cosmy the Bot
Cosmy the Bot
cosmy my bot
cosmy my bot
cosmy my bot
Cosmy the bot

Cosmy the Bot 200

For pools up to 38 ft.

Currently you can only obtain this item by request.

Request quote
  • A whole lot of tech­nology packed into less than 13 lbs
  • Energy effi­cient
  • For all pool shapes and water­proofing finishes
  • Warranty: 2 years

Cosmy the Bot 200

A whole lot of tech­nology packed into less than 13 lbs.


Cosmy robots are equipped with two stage plan­e­tary gear tech­nology, a drive system that offers greater effi­ciency and better preci­sion; combined with two drive motors and a powerful pump, Cosmy is one of the most reli­able robotic cleaners on the market.

This system is the ideal solu­tion for fast, opti­mized travel, unmatched cleaning and unri­valled reli­a­bility.


With their rapid and logical travel mode and powerful suction, Cosmy robotic cleaners work fast. Cleaning cycles are short, consume less energy, and yield a flaw­less result.

Non-contractual images
Pool image
Pool image

Cosmy the Bot, ultra-​clean style

Cosmy opens the path to a whole new world, where effi­ciency meets style and elegance, where size gives way to preci­sion and intel­li­gence.

Respon­sive and intu­itive

Cosmy the Bot 200 is intu­itive and easy to use.
At the touch of a button it gets to work.
Ergonomic and clever, just as you like it.

Cosmy the Bot

You like to change your outfit?

Cosmy does too!

Blue? Pink? Green? Purple?

With Cosmy, you don’t have to choose one color, there are eight to choose from and you can swap them out as often as you wish to match your mood or even the decor.

cosmy my bot

Tech­nical details

Adjustable nozzlesYes
BrushesSingle PVC
Cable length52 ft, Premium grey
Cleaning cycles1.5, 2, 2.5 hours
Cleaning typeFloor, Wall & Water­line
Filtra­tionDouble layer filtra­tion
Gyro­scope systemYes
Plat­formDual Drive Breezer
Pool lengthup to 38 ft.
Power SupplyVenus

Product compar­ison

Adjustable nozzles
Cable length
Cleaning cycles
Cleaning type
Gyro­scope system
Pool length
Power Supply
Cosmy the bot

Cosmy the Bot 200



Single PVC
52 ft, Premium grey
1.5, 2, 2.5 hours
Floor, Wall & Water­line
100 µ
Dual Drive­Breener
up to 38 ft.
Cosmy the bot

Cosmy the Bot 200



Single PVC
52 ft, Premium grey
1.5, 2, 2.5 hours
Floor, Wall & Water­line
100 µ
Dual Drive­Breener
up to 38 ft.
Cosmy the Bot

Cosmy the Bot 100

Single PVC
12 m, Premium grey
1.5 hour
100 µ
Dual Drive­Breener
up to 26 ft.
Cosmy the Bot

Cosmy the Bot 150

Single PVC
52 ft, Premium grey
2.0 hour
Floor, Wall & Water­line
100 µ
Dual Drive­Breener
up to 36 ft.
Cosmy the bot

Cosmy the Bot 200



Cosmy the Bot

Cosmy the Bot 100

Cosmy the Bot

Cosmy the Bot 150

Cosmy the Bot

Cosmy the Bot 250

Adjustable nozzles Yes Yes Yes Yes
Brushes Single PVC Single PVC Single PVC Single PVC
Cable length 52 ft, Premium grey 12 m, Premium grey 52 ft, Premium grey 59 ft, Premium grey
Cleaning cycles 1.5, 2, 2.5 hours 1.5 hour 2.0 hour 1.5, 2, 2.5 hours
Cleaning type Floor, Wall & Water­line Floor Floor, Wall & Water­line Floor, Wall & Water­line
Filtra­tion 100 µ 100 µ 100 µ 100 µ
Gyro­scope system Yes Yes Yes Yes
Plate­form Dual Drive­Breener Dual Drive­Breener Dual Drive­Breener Dual Drive­Breener
Pool length up to 38 ft. up to 26 ft. up to 36 ft. up to 40 ft.
Power Supply Venus Venus Venus Venus
United States

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