Luxury Water Softeners

The silky - soft way to start the Day

From the bedroom to the bathroom. BWT Luxury Water emerges from the shower - a reward not only for the mind, but also for the body. Skin feels softer, while hair is glossy and silky.

Luxury Water Softeners

Worry-free enjoyment

Water flows through the whole house like a lifeline. Luxury Water Softener preserves both your pipework and appliances, such as washing machines, dishwashers and coffee machines. This protects valuable investments in the long term and avoids the need for expensive repairs.
Pärchen genießt Schaumbad miteinander Pärchen genießt Schaumbad miteinander

Luxury Water Softeners

Soft, cuddly comfort

After a refreshing shower, wrap yourself in a cosy, fluffy towel! Luxury Water gives your laundry a pleasant soft feel that ensures perfect comfort. Your favourite clothes will stay nice and soft and feel like new for longer.
Baby eingewickelt in kuscheliger Decke Baby eingewickelt in kuscheliger Decke

Luxury Water Softeners

More time for beautiful things

Who likes to spend time cleaning? Unsightly limescale marks on the shower wall, tiles, fittings or on dishes and glasses are a thing of the past with a Luxury Water Softener. So relax and enjoy your time with family and friends!
Familie genießt Zeit miteinander Perlwasseranlage Entspannung

Luxury Water Softeners

A great feeling

The softer the water, the lower your consumption of soaps, detergents, cleaning agents and personal care products - these can be reduced by up to 50%. This is good news for your wallet and the environment.
Mutter und Tochter kuscheln im Bett Mutter und Tochter kuscheln im Bett

Luxury Water Softeners


Luxury Water Softeners from BWT remove the hardness minerals from the water, helping to keep showers clean. You can also enjoy the incomparable feeling of silk - soft Luxury Water - For noticeably softer skin, smooth, shiny hair and clothes that feel soft to the touch.
Luxury Water Softeners
Water softener Water softener


Luxury Water

Immerse your­self in the world of silky - soft BWT Luxury Water

Over 60% of the UK live with varying degrees of hard water, water that contains various minerals, including calcium, which contributes to the water hard­ness. Luxury Water softener systems from BWT remove these minerals from the water and thus trans­forms it into silky-​​soft BWT Luxury Water creating a differ­ence you can see and feel all around your home!

The solu­tion that prevents limescale in your water

Why do you need a water softener?

Our water is like a calling card for the quality of our soil and bodies of water: Every region leaves its unmis­tak­able finger­print on drinking water. Dissolved minerals play an impor­tant role in shaping our most impor­tant food­stuff. That is why it tastes different from region to region. Calcium and magne­sium are partic­u­larly impor­tant. When we refer to “hard” water, we mean a rela­tively high propor­tion of these minerals. This is measured in parts per million (ppm).

House­holds with a high water hard­ness can run into costly prob­lems on a day-​to-​day basis. When hard water is heated, this causes deposits to accu­mu­late in pipes and valves. House­hold appli­ances and hot water systems suffer from a build-​​up of limescale, neces­si­tating expen­sive repairs and reducing the service life of appli­ances. In addi­tion, deposits in the heating circuit can drive up energy costs.

Hard water can also affect our bodies. In extreme cases, it can even lead to disor­ders in very sensi­tive skin. But even healthy skin tends to tighten after show­ering and bathing and is prone to irri­ta­tion. Hair can become dry and dull after washing while laundry can be rough to the touch and colours fade more easily.

Cleaning also becomes hard work: Deposits form wher­ever water flows, drips or stands. These limescale stains in the bath­room and kitchen are diffi­cult to clean. With hard water you need twice as much deter­gent, skin and hair care prod­ucts to achieve the same effect as you would with soft water, costing you more money.

BWT Luxury Water Softener offers you enjoy­ment and protec­tion, while at the same time saving you money

Pure plea­sure in the shower and in the bathtub, soft cuddly laundry, gleaming fittings and the icing on the cake: lower energy consump­tion. Soft­ened water offers numerous advan­tages.


BWT Luxury Water Softener turns every shower and bath into an incom­pa­rable well­ness expe­ri­ence. It is a genuine beauty elixir because it not only makes the skin notice­ably softer, but also makes the hair more supple and shiny. Using soft­ened water in the washing machine also means you can enjoy softer, cuddly clothes.
BWT Perlwasser genießen!


BWT Luxury Water softener protects house­hold appli­ances and pipework from limescale and helps extend their service life. Soft­ened water also brings a gleam to kitchens and bath­rooms and main­tains the value of your invest­ment. Another benefit for the envi­ron­ment: lower use of cleaning prod­ucts and deter­gents.
Mit BWT Perlwasser die Geräte schützen

Save Money!

Investing in a BWT Luxury Water Softener can really pay off: You are likely to need up to 50% less washing, cleaning and skin care prod­ucts. Even your energy and heating costs can benefit! That’s because if your heating system suffers from scale deposits, it won’t work as effi­ciently. Luxury water helps to make life easier on your pocket and the envi­ron­ment.
Mit BWT Perlwasser sparen

BWT has the solu­tion that prevents hard water

BWT has the perfect solu­tion to this problem: Water Softener systems that trans­form even extremely hard water into silky soft Luxury Water. The costly everyday prob­lems asso­ci­ated with hard water disap­pear and the feel-​good factor at home is enhanced. BWT cutting-​​edge tech­nology, turns every bath­room into a well­ness oasis. Hair is shinier, skin becomes velvety soft and the laundry is soft and cuddly.

In addi­tion, washing machine, water boiler and all other devices in which water is heated are protected. They work smoothly and their service life is extended. Cleaning agents and care prod­ucts can be used much more spar­ingly. Shower walls and fittings gleam without time-​consuming cleaning.


We would be happy to help you find the BWT water softener that best suits your needs. Contact our BWT experts for advice.

How does a Luxury Water Softeners work?

BWT water softener technology is based on a process that also occurs in nature. The process is referred to as "ion exchange". In this process, calcium and magnesium ions are removed from the water and replaced with sodium ions.

Inside the BWT Luxury Water soft­ener systems there is resin vessel filled with a high quality ion exchange resin that enables this exchange to take place. As hard water flows through the vessel the calcium and magne­sium ions dissolved in it are bound together and retained by the resin and at the same time replaced with sodium ions.

BWT cutting-​​​edge tech­nology ensures that this process can run completely smoothly thanks to the latest elec­tronic control systems. Once the resin is satu­rated with calcium and magne­sium ions, normally after a few days it needs to be regen­er­ated in order for it to remain effi­cient. This involves cleaning the resin with a brine solu­tion. All BWT water soft­eners in the UK are programmed so that this happens auto­mat­i­cally at night when the house­hold is a sleep. This process can also be set to suit indi­vidual needs if neces­sary. This regen­er­a­tion cycle does not affect your drinking water tap.

Which BWT water soft­ener suits my needs?

BWT cutting-​​​edge tech­nology is encom­passed in a wide range of domestic water soft­eners of varying designs and sizes. This ensures that every house­hold will find exactly the product to match their needs. Which ever model you choose you are guar­an­teed a high quality product that will adapt to your lifestyle so that you enjoy Luxury Water when you need it most. Each model comes with a compre­hen­sive at home guar­antee that on some models can be extended to no less than six years for complete peace of mind.

BWT water soft­ener salt for your water soft­ening system

Getting the most out of your soft water system and guaranteeing the longest possible service life requires special care - especially when it comes to regenerating your system.

BWT salt has been developed especially for the regeneration of water softening systems and is available in tablet, crystal and block format to suit a wide range of water softening systems. BWT water softener salt is a high quality food grade product available from our on line shop in handy double packs and all good plumbing merchants and leading DIY stores.

Perla Tabs Perla Tabs

Frequently asked ques­tions about Luxury Water Softeners

Does a pressure reducer have to be serviced?

ÖNORM EN 806-5 recommends that a pressure reducer be inspected or serviced annually.

What problems can arise from pressure fluctuations or without a pressure reducer in water pipes?

  • Water leaks from poor joints and damaged pipes
  • In extreme cases even burst water pipes
  • Noise nuisance due to pressure peaks that can cause vibration and 'knocking'
  • Increased water consumption and costs

What are the annual running costs for a water softener?

Water softeners only require periodically topping up of salt, water for the regeneration process and a minimal amount of electricity. The exact amount will vary depending on the size of the household and the local water hardness. Around 75 Lts of water and 1.2 Kgs salt produces 1600 Lts of softened water at 300 ppm hardness. The BWT water softener is controlled by a microprocessor which constantly monitors water usage. The system will build up a history of your water requirements and calculate the most economical regeneration pattern. This will ensure a constant supply of softened water whilst maintaining high levels of water and salt efficiency. As this water softener uses a proportional brining system, more frequent regenerations do not necessarily mean higher water / salt usage. The saving on toiletries, household cleaning and laundry products can also offset any running costs reducing the impact on the family budget to a minimum.

Can you drink softened water from your water softener?

There are no real reasons why you cannot drink softened water, for most people it is a matter of choice and lifestyle. However, for those that have installed a water softener, please be mindful that softened water does contain a slight increase in the amount of sodium, the actual amount of which will depend on your local water hardness and is therefore not recommended for people who are on a low sodium diet or for the preparation of baby formula milk. To find out more, please see: Water Supply (water quality) Regulations 2000.

Are the BWT water softeners electric powered?

The WS range of Luxury Water Softeners use a 'Plug In' type transformer. The low voltage system is used to power the electronic control system and the valve during regeneration. The result is a water softener that can be set up to suit your local water conditions and that can adapt to your lifestyle. The electricity used is minimal and the small diameter cable from the transformer can in most cases be easily routed from the socket to the softener.

What is the difference between softening and filtering water?

When you filter water you normally provide a physical barrier which only allows particle of a certain size to pass through. This barrier can take many forms and can be designed to be disposable or reusable. The size of particles that can pass through are governed by the filters micron rating.

When you are softening water it is necessary to remove the dissolved minerals that cause the water to be ‘hard,’ normally Calcium and Magnesium, these ions cannot be trapped by a standard filter. So this is typically done using an ion exchange process. Softeners use millions of tiny resin beads which are positively charged to attract and retain the calcium and magnesium ions. When the capacity is reached the resin is regenerated using a brine solution and the hardness ions are washed to drain.

What is hard water?

Hard water is water that contains dissolved hardness minerals above 100 parts per million (PPM). Relative levels of hardness have been established as:

  • Soft Water less than 100 PPM
  • Slightly Hard 100 TO 200 PPM
  • Hard 300 TO 400 PPM
  • Very Hard 400 and above

How does water become hard?

Water is naturally soft when it falls to the ground as rain. Depending on where the rain falls will depend on whether it will stay soft or become hard. The rain that sits on or travels through or across hard rock like granite stays pretty much unaffected in terms of natural mineral content. While rain that percolates through softer rock structures like limestone will dissolve mineral salts like calcium and magnesium increasing its hardness and along with many trace elements, its taste and flavour. The taste of chlorine associated with drinking water in the UK is not naturally occurring and is added by your water supplier.

How much time does it take to install a water softener system?

The installation time will depend on where the water softener is going to be installed and the experience of the installer. Given a suitable location with easy access to the necessary services we would expect an experienced Installer to allow 3-4 hours. We have a video on our BWT UK YouTube Channel (How to install a BWT water softener - YouTube) where we explain the process, we highly recommend you to watch it).

Do water softeners last a long time?

Typical warranties will cover a new water softener for up to two years, not dissimilar to other domestic appliances. Others can be found with extended parts warranties and even all-inclusive warranties up to 10 years. We cannot guarantee how long a specific water softener will last. However, if a softener is correctly installed and serviced, it is not uncommon for a good quality water softener to last in excess of 10 years.

What is Luxury Water®?

Luxury Water is hard water which has been treated using a BWT Water softener to give the homeowner most of the benefits of naturally occurring soft water. Benefits which can be seen and felt all around the home, in the kitchen, bathroom and in your household budget.

Are water softeners expensive to run?

The overall cost of running a water softener depends on the size of the household and the local water hardness. But a water softener will help you save on household cleaning, toiletries and cleaning products over a period of time, which offsets the overall running cost.

If I have a water softener, do I still need to use salt in my dishwasher?

Once you have installed a water softener in your home, it is unlikely that you will need to add extra salt in your dishwasher. Simply change your dishwasher’s internal water softener setting to the off position or alternatively ensure the incoming water hardness setting is at its lowest/softest.

What is the difference between a physical water conditioner and a water softener?

A water softener removes the hardness minerals from the water that causes limescale. A physical water conditioner however, does not remove these minerals, but instead alters the characteristics of the way these minerals behave when heated, helping to prevent the build-up of scale on items such as heat exchangers.

Do boiler manufacturers recommend not fitting a water softener?

Whilst most manufacturers recognise the benefits of fitting a water softener in hard water areas, local regulations and standards vary from country to country. In the UK the most common advice at the time of writing is that the primary or radiator circuit is filled with local water and treated with the appropriate approved chemicals. If you have a water softener this is easily achieved by simply by-passing your water softener while the circuit is filled.

Do water softeners use large amounts of salt?

The amount of salt used depends on many factors, including the type of water softener you choose, your local water hardness, the sort of salt and the amount of water you use. Modern water softeners use advanced metering, and algorithms to predict water usage and limit the amount of water and salt used.

As a general rule of thumb, a modern four-person family sized electronic water softener will use approximately 10 x 25kg bags per year

Do water softeners require servicing or maintenance?

A water softener isn’t like a car with the need for an oil change every year but we do recommend you get your water softener serviced regularly. As with any domestic appliance, this will ensure your softener keeps working effectively for longer.

Does a water softener require a lot of space?

This is all relative, most family sized domestic water softeners in the UK can easily fit into a standard 500mm kitchen floor cupboard. Large models of softener required for a home with lots of bedrooms, bathrooms or high occupancy can be sited easily in a utility room, plant room or garage depending on where the water enters the premises. It is true a commercial sized water softener can be large and requires more space than most homes can afford.

What is the difference between a scale inhibitor and a water softener?

A water softener removes the minerals from water that can cause the water to be hard and in turn reduces limescale deposits. A physical water conditioner simply creates an effect that helps to reduce the build-up of scale. They do not however remove these minerals meaning they cannot offer the lifestyle benefits of Luxury Water.

Can water softeners only be fitted in the kitchen?

In the UK most customers prefer to fit their water softener in a kitchen cupboard but it’s not a necessity. You can also fit your water softener in a utility room or garage. In some cases, you can even fit your softener outside providing you have a specially constructed cabinet for the softener and that there is access to the mains water supply along with a suitable drain.

Does a water softener get plumbed into the water feeding the central heating?

No your heating loop that supplies your radiators should be filled using unsoftened water and treated with a suitable and approved inhibitor. This process is easily achieved by using the water softener bypass which should always be fitted as part the WS455’s installation. We recommend reading the WRAS Information and guidance note No 9-07-01 Issue 1 “Information for Installation of Ion Exchange Water Softeners for Systems Supplying Water for Domestic Purposes” for more information.

Is a water softener suitable to use with a water tank in the loft?

The change in water chemistry when you use an ion exchange water softener to create softened water is permanent and any effect will not wear off. This makes a water softener the perfect partner for any stored water system including a gravity fed system using a tank in the loft. To ensure the efficient operation of the water softener, it is advised that a delayed action ball valve is fitted to the tank. The water softener should be fitted to the mains water supply, with a minimum pressure of 1.7 bar.

Do water softeners make your water taste salty?

Softened water can taste different but this misconception has grown from the fact that salt is used in the regeneration process to recharge the resin, it is not added to the water you use around the home. There is a light increase in sodium as a result of the ion exchange process and for this reason it is not recommended for drinking by people of a low or sodium controlled diet.

Does a water softener work by adding salt to the water?

A water softener only uses salt in the ion exchange process and is used to refresh the resin that removes the hardness minerals that cause limescale deposits. It does not add salt into the water you use in your home.
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