
We believe our customers deserve the best prod­ucts and service and are proud and extremely happy when they share their appre­ci­a­tion and thoughts online, on the phone through the mail or in person
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testimonials testimonials

"Very polite engi­neer who left the kitchen clean and tidy. Very happy with the service."

 Mrs. L Hicks (6th March 2020)

"The engi­neer was very helpful, polite and friendly. I was very impressed with how he went about his work, he is a really good ambas­sador for BWT."

Mrs. Hart (8th January 2020)

"Your engi­neer did a quick but consci­en­tious job, checked the machine over, and renewed O ring seals. Much appre­ci­ated. Thanks."

Mrs Laurie Saunders (27th November 2019)

"Super easy to install (water soft­ener), peace of mind engi­neer check up was amazing! And most impor­tantly no more limescale!"

Mrs Emma Brimfield (21st August 2019)

"The engi­neer, was a lovely, friendly and cour­teous chap, even taking his shoes off outside the door before I could ask. He really went the extra mile in explaining every­thing as I had a long list of ques­tions and he also adapted a fitting in order that we could use the large hood the installer had not fitted. This really makes all the differ­ence and we are delighted and can't thank him enough as we didn't think it was possible. If all engi­neers had that kind of commit­ment to customer care and satis­fac­tion, the world we be a happier place"

Mrs. Helen (31st January 2020)

"Your customer service is one of the best I’ve come across. I called in the faint hope of speaking to someone around a possible fault with our water softner. To my surprise someone called back and arranged for my details to be passed to the service depart­ment. Louise, made contact and asked for some details, including serial number etc. After giving these details, I was emailed to say a service engi­neer would call around and to my surprise I had a two year guar­antee. Simply bril­liant customer service from start to finish. I’d highly recom­mend you guys."

Mr. Mark Spackman (2nd April 2020)

James (the BWT Engi­neer) was very profes­sional and straight forward to deal with.

Mr Ruzzkonski (29th March 2019)

Great service, could not fault it.

Mr Digney (29th March 2019)

Fabu­lous Customer Service - From an enquiry to a sorted solu­tion in one go!

S Gibson (26th February 2019)

Excel­lent service by booking staff and engi­neer.

M Fischer (22nd February 2019)

We just wanted to thank you for the things you sent us a few weeks ago. We are using the Magne­sium Miner­aliser for all of our cuppings and it is working perfectly.We recently ordered more filters. We haven't have the time to install the other filters to our tap water yet but we intend to do so after the rush of upcoming events.

J Loayza (25th March 2019)

I am very pleased with my water softner. We had one previ­ously but now realise that it wasn't working prop­erly. I haven't had to descale my kettle since it was installed. Also the bath­rooms and showers look sparkling without using any prod­ucts. I haven't noticed any differ­ence with my clothes as I use fabric softner. Overall I am very pleased.

Mrs Brenda Barnett (20th August 2019)

Compact very reli­able (water soft­ener) does what it says on the box. Shower glass not staining shower head clean. Taps stopped scaling up. Cleaning prod­ucts work better.

Mr David Blackburn (21st August 2019)

Certainly noticed the differ­ence in the soft­ness of the water. Soft­ness of the water making it easier to make soap bubbles when washing.

Mr Barry Atkins (20th August 2019)

Thank you to James (the BWT Engi­neer) who was very effi­cient, knowl­edge­able and friendly too. We’re extremely impressed with BWT (they were recom­mended to us by my parents).

Ms Sari (29th March 2019)

Well one thing is for sure, the two of you put some of our other suppliers to shame when it comes to effi­cient customer service. I’d rank you top of the list for that!

M Yates (4th January 2019)

It is neat and compact and for the short time I have had this fitted, it seems to do its job as well as, and hope­fully more ECO friendly than the previous one which I had had for some many years (water soft­ener).

Mrs Margaret Fry (21st August 2019)

The service that we have received from you has been outstanding, from our tele­phone calls to your office to the visit of the engi­neer, Dave. Congrat­u­la­tions and keep it up - you stand out from the crowd.

K Hains (14th January 2019)

Great product (WS Soft­ener), easy to use once initially setup. Does it's thing in the back­ground and fill up with salt once in a while.Love the way the water feels when you shower. No longer use salt in dish­washer or softner in washing machine.

Mr Martin Berelowitz (20th August 2019)

It is very good. We already had WS for 15 years.

Dr Sam Bamdad (20th August 2019)

The BWT (water soft­ener) is small and compact, fits into very small spaces. Does what it says on the tin. This is our 3rd one in 30 years, you do not use as much shampoo soap or washing deter­gent. You do not get scum after having a bath.

Mr Geoffrey Diggens (21st August 2019)

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