BWT Case Study: Water + More & TONE

Tone x BWT Tone x BWT

BWT Water + More


BWT & TONE work together to offer a complete solu­tion

In the UK, it is esti­mated that we drink an astounding 70 million cups of coffee every day. Coffee experts across the industry agree that to get the best tasting coffee, the water quality and the brewer not only need to be just right but in harmony to deliver the best quality coffee.

On 1st – 2nd September, BWT’s Water + More team, along with TONE, exhib­ited at Caffè Culture and spoke to Coffee profes­sionals about their revo­lu­tionary tech­nolo­gies that allows the flair and inge­nuity of the barista to create the very best coffee. Water + More was also the offi­cial water partner for the event and provided the best water for the full range of exhibitors!

About the Company

Inspired by the tech­no­log­ical inno­va­tions, invest­ments and advances being made in the world of espresso equip­ment, TONE was born in Switzer­land with the idea of elevating the preci­sion of temper­a­ture and flow control avail­able on tea and filter coffee brewing equip­ment.

In the UK the digital TONE Touch 03 boil­er­less brewer is distrib­uted by Brew-​It Group. Rather than limiting itself to tech­nology and mate­rial commonly used within the coffee industry, TONE sought out global design and engi­neering experts to build a better, smarter, and a more thoughtful brewing device. By connecting specialty coffee and tea profes­sionals with world-​​class engi­neers from the medical device and aero­space indus­tries, TONE created the world's first boil­er­less and energy opti­mised brewer. Their inno­v­a­tive new product, Touch 03 boil­er­less brewer was awarded the Best New Product Award 2021 by the Specialty Coffee Asso­ci­a­tion.

Besides their own top research and devel­op­ment, TONE and BWT Water + More's main target is to support part­ners world­wide with complete solu­tions for their busi­ness. To be confi­dent the perfect results with within its reach, it was impor­tant for TONE and Water + More to ensure their flag­ship prod­ucts worked in perfect union. The results a final product that demon­strated real synergy, on the palate and provide the best protec­tion.

Can you protect both the auto­claves
the washer disin­fector?

Testing showed, when the Touch 03 was used local water that had not been opti­mised, the risk of low quality coffee increased as well as the poten­tial damages to machinery. When tested with the Reverse Osmosis, the results came back posi­tive for protecting tech­nical equip­ment but unfor­tu­nate be the winning combi­na­tion. The Touch 03 boil­er­less brewer along with the combined water opti­mi­sa­tion offers perfect reli­able protec­tion for brewing devices. In addi­tion, the brewing process is constant, ensuring a high-quality of cup of coffee, will be deliv­ered every time.

• Guar­an­teed uniform water quality, inde­pen­dent of loca­tion/local water quality
• Limescale protec­tion
• Corro­sion protec­tion
• Particle protec­tion
• Chlo­rine protec­tion
• Ideal mineral content for brewing
• Over-pres­sure protec­tion max. 3.0 BAR by BWT BestAqua ROC 14 Coffee prior TONE device

Water opti­mi­sa­tion is key

Coffee profes­sionals will know that the right water quality is essen­tial to releasing the best tasting coffee. With exper­tise in all things concerning coffee water and water opti­mi­sa­tion systems, BWT UK's Water and More team, have become an impor­tant, reli­able and the go to partner in the coffee industry. 

The team under­stands coffee processing and prepa­ra­tion and are able to provide suit­able tech­nolo­gies that deliver the best taste in the cup and clean, fault-free machinery. BWT's water opti­mi­sa­tion tools have long been a best­seller amongst coffee profes­sionals and coffee lovers throughout the world.


Discover your perfect cup of Coffee

BWT Water+More show­cased the bestaqua ROC Coffee, the bestmax range of cartridges along­side many other familiar solu­tions at Caffè Culture 2022. Contact the team today to discover how you can get the best quality coffee for your busi­ness.

BWT Water+More’s Will Hinton takes a prac­tical view on it all: “Come and visit us at the biggest Coffee Festi­vals in the UK and see for your­self just how much water influ­ences the taste of coffee and how easy it is to opti­mise water for coffee extrac­tion!”


BWT bestmax PREMIUM, an innovative filtration system for use in the hospitality sector, optimises water straight from the tap. Any extraneous constituents, including calcium, particles and taste-impairing substances like chlorine, are removed from the tap water.

The filter cartridge with its Magnesium Mineralizer technology enriches the drinking water with precious magnesium to create perfect-tasting hot drinks.
BWT-Bestaqua-14-ROC-Coffee BWT-Bestaqua-14-ROC-Coffee

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