BWT Case Study: Dover Priory Dental Prac­tice

BWT dentistry case study Dover Priory Dental Practice BWT case study dentistry - Dover Priory Dental Practice

BWT & Dover Priory Dental Prac­tice

High Purity Water

High Purity Water Distillers For Dental Clinics

Problem to be solved:

For the team at Dover Priory Dental Prac­tice, hard water is a problem. They run a busy and friendly prac­tice in Dover town centre and find the local tap water creates some real prob­lems in the decon­t­a­m­i­na­tion room.

To main­tain their high stan­dards, they use high quality equip­ment, but Kent tap water is not kind to their auto­claves or their washer disin­fector.

To ensure their Auto­claves ran effi­ciently and effec­tively, they histor­i­cally had to run them using expen­sive (eco-​damaging) bottled water. While the washer disin­fector often left irri­tating white marks on hand instru­ments that needed to be labo­ri­ously polished away before ster­il­i­sa­tion.

About the Company

Dover Priory Dental Prac­tice was estab­lished in 1928, providing private dental services for the local commu­nity.

Since 2016, the prac­tice has been owned and managed by Dr Dorothy Riley and has under­gone signif­i­cant updates to ensure it continues to provide the best possible dental care to new and existing patients.

“Yes! We are very, very pleased with the results and the service from BWT. We now have unlim­ited High Purity water from a tap and no more spots on the hand instru­ments to polish away – it is a complete success for us! Thank you BWT UK.” Hollie Potter, The Prac­tice Manager

How we became involved:

The Prac­tice Prin­cipal, Dr Dorothy Riley attended a Trade event at Olympia in September 2021 and briefly met the BWT UK team there. BWT are a global water tech­nology company with speciality solu­tions for most ‘working water’ appli­ca­tions.

In the Northern Euro­pean Dental Market BWT are well recog­nised by both manu­fac­turers and Prac­tices for their exper­tise, and the UK team are now offering these proven solu­tions in the UK.

Pleased with what she saw, a meeting was arranged for after the event, with Chris Hobbs (BWT UK Sales Director). Dorothy explained the issues the prac­tice faced in more detail and armed with a better under­standing Chris was able to discuss the various options avail­able to them. Liking what she heard a follow up site meeting was arranged, during which the prac­tice was keen to know:

  • Is there a money-​back, satis­fac­tion guar­antee? - YES
  • Can you give us zero TDS water on demand? - YES
  • Is your solu­tion eco-​friendly? - YES
  • Will you save us money? -YES
  • Can you protect both the auto­claves AND the washer disin­fector? - YES

Whilst the existing method of using bottled water meant the auto­claves worked, it did bring with it other issues. Like where to store the water, manual handling issues moving the water around, what to do about missed deliv­eries and of course cost. With a typical cost of a 20L bottle at around £12-£14 with delivery charges on top it was proving an expen­sive choice.

How we solved the issue:

The BWT team fully aware of the situ­a­tion had a free onsite consul­ta­tion with the Dental prac­tice and suggested a High Purity L water system with the ROC 14 self-​contained RO at its heart. The BWT High Purity System L with a ‘polishing’ best­demin cartridge was fitted in less than a morning and provided Dover Priory Dental with access of up to 80L of free flowing puri­fied water per day direct from the dedi­cated tap supplied and a projected finan­cial saving of around 30-40% per year.

Bene­fits to customer’s busi­ness:

As well as freeing up valu­able staff time, the inline TDS monitor that comes with the system, gives live read­ings of the water purity at the touch of a button, which saves time on dip testing. The High Purity System L is compact, flex­ible and the cartridges are ‘light­bulb simple’ for staff to change. As it’s connected to multiple appli­ances including the auto­clave and the washing sani­tiser, it prevents deposits on instru­ments (hand pieces) that nurses would normally have to polish off before putting them into the auto­clave. The ability to monitor water quality via the profes­sional App and a handy flow meter to measure the remaining cartridge capacity coupled with its modular nature also makes the solu­tion perfect should the needs of the prac­tice change in the future.

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