Water Softener

Perfect water quality

BWT Commercial Water Softeners for protecting your investment and reducing operational costs
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Soft­ened Water for busi­ness

High Performance

BWT water softeners for industry, performance, reliability & price.

The BWT range of commer­cial water soft­eners is one of the most compre­hen­sive in the UK today, making them suit­able for industry, busi­nesses and commer­cial premises. Water soft­eners are avail­able in a variety of sizes and config­u­ra­tions and the final choice of model should take into consid­er­a­tion a number of factors including: Water hard­ness, flow rate, daily water consump­tion, pres­sure and system design. Using the latest tech­nology BWT high perfor­mace water soft­eners are able to meet the needs of diverse busi­nesses, effi­ciently deliv­ering flow rates from 1 to over 500 cubic metres an hour. Modern mate­rials, advanced elec­tronics, and proven processes are incor­po­rated as stan­dard across the BWT water soft­ener range, for an unri­valled combi­na­tion of industry leading perfor­mance, reli­a­bility and price.


  • Cooling towers and Steam gener­a­tors
  • Dish­washers and Washing machines
  • Heat exchangers
  • Central heating systems
  • Steam boilers
  • Hot water heaters
  • Steam ovens
  • RO pre-​treatment and Process water


  • Hotels
  • Offices
  • Phar­ma­ceu­tical industry
  • Profes­sional kitchens
  • Restau­rants
  • Bakeries
  • Laun­dries
  • Manu­fac­turing
  • Water treat­ment 
  • Stock breeding
  • Oil and Gas

Energy Efficient Water Softeners

Buildings, equipment and plant protection

A modern water soft­ener is fully auto­matic and works by passing hard water through an ion exchange resin. This resin consists of tiny beads that attract and retain the calcium and magne­sium ions that cause the scale normally asso­ci­ated with hard water.

Peri­od­i­cally these resin beads are cleaned and regen­er­ated by rinsing with an accu­rately controlled brine solu­tion. The brine and the accu­mu­lated hard­ness are then flushed to drain auto­mat­i­cally.

The whole process is controlled using modern elec­tronics and either a timer or volu­metric valve control unit. Timer models can be preset to regen­erate at regular inter­vals regard­less of the quan­tity of water used, normally every two to three days whilst volu­metric models constantly monitor water usage and only regen­erate as neces­sary.

Soft­ened water provides vital protec­tion for plant and equip­ment, espe­cially where water is heated to high temper­a­tures. It also allows soaps and deter­gents to lather more freely and rinse away more easily saving time and money.

Unlike most other forms of water treat­ment soft­ened water can be stored until required without reverting back to its untreated state.

BWT Commercial
BWT Commercial

AQAPEARL Cabinet Series Water Softener

A concise range of compact cabinet water softeners, available with either timer or volumetric valve control. The 1” valve and reliable electronic control unit make them ideal for light commercial operations.
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6000 Series Water Softener

The 6000 series water softener is an entry-level product for communal applications and is ideal to meet the softened water needs of small kitchens, or to fill low volume closed loop systems. The 6000 range is also widely used in the production of water for intermittent or continuous industrial processes.
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7000 Series Water Soft­ener

The 7000 series of water soft­eners is designed to treat water flow rates up to 9.5 m3/h (@ 300mg/l). The range is suit­able for the preven­tion of scaling of sani­tary, heating, air condi­tioning and commer­cial and indus­trial instal­la­tions.
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BWT Rondomat Duo

A simple, effec­tive and effi­cient range of duplex water soft­eners designed to deliver an unin­terupted supply of soft­ened water. Their advanced control system is ideal for high flow rates and minimising the use of salt and water for greater effi­ciency. Fitted with an exclu­sive bate­rial growth preven­tion system the range delivers addi­tional peace of mind. Making use of a single brine tank the overall space required per instal­la­tion is minimised.
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8000/9000 Series

The 8000/9000 Composite range of softeners guarantee effective treatment against hardness, even at very high flow rates. Specially adapted for humid or corrosive conditions, or any environment that is incompatible with corrodible metals, this range meets the requirements of large communal applications or industrial processes
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Ronduo 1000 Duplex Series Water Softener

The Ronduo 1000 series is a range of value for money fully automatic water softeners capable of delivering softened water at flow rates up to 3.5 m3/h. These water softeners are comprised of two seamless glass fibre reinforced cylinders, linked to a single control valve mounted on the master cylinder. All units have volumetric control and can be supplied with an optional blending valve.
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BWT Rondomat HVD

The Rondomat HVD range of water softeners deliver quality controlled softened water for commercial use. An advanced control system ensures optimum performance and continuous softened water by using the full capacity of each resin vessel before an automatic regeneration is triggered and service flow is switched to the second vessel. They run counter current to ensure a low salt and water consumption and high efficiency. This range should be selected when reliability, safety and economical operation are high on the requirement.
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BWT Infinity RF 3/4“-2“

Manu­ally oper­ated back­wash filter for cold water with waste water connector in accor­dance with DN 1988. Suit­able for flow rates between 3.0 and 11m3 per hour this versa­tile filter is ideal for the protec­tion of small to medium sized commer­cial water soft­eners. Compat­able with the BWT HYDRO­MODUL system instal­la­tion is both quick and simple on both vertical and hori­zontal pipework.
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