Limescale Protec­tion

Alter­na­tive Water Treat­ment

BWT Commer­cial Phys­ical water condi­tioners harness a variety of alter­na­tive and patented tech­nolo­gies to deliver outstanding limescale protec­tion.
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Phys­ical water condi­tioners

High Perfor­mance

Limescale Protec­tion for single appli­ance and commer­cial premises

The Liff range of phys­ical water condi­tioners from BWT work by altering the char­ac­ter­is­tics of the hard­ness minerals within the feed water to help prevent limescale forming. Unlike a water soft­ener a scale inhibitor will not soften the treated water and the bene­fits are derived from the reduc­tion of deposited hard scale within the treated water system.

There are four main types of water condi­tioner, magnetic, electro-​magnetic, elec­trolytic and elec­tronic. The flex­ible nature of their design offers the client a range of bene­fits including low running costs, simple instal­la­tion and low main­te­nance. Chem­ical free oper­a­tion ensures the compo­si­tion of the treated water remains largely unchanged, which is partic­u­larly impor­tant on potable water supplies.

Typical Appli­ca­tions

  • Heat exchangers
  • Central heating systems
  • Hot water heaters
  • Elec­tric showers
  • Immer­sion heaters
  • Vending machines
  • Hot water cylin­ders
  • Tea boilers


  • Hotel and Restau­rants
  • Offices
  • Local author­i­ties
  • Leisure centres
  • Schools and colleges
  • Shel­tered housing
  • Prisons
  • Manu­fac­turing
  • Public Build­ings

Limescale Solu­tions

Protec­tion from limescale without salt or chem­i­cals

Phys­ical water condi­tioners use a range of tech­nolo­gies and are avail­able in a variety of sizes. The final choice of model should take into consid­er­a­tion a number of factors including water hard­ness, flow rate, pipe size, pres­sure and system design, as well as the desired quality of the treated water.

The flex­ible nature of their design makes phys­ical water condi­tioners suit­able for a wide range of appli­ca­tions and pipe sizes. It is not uncommon to use more than one type or size of unit to protect different areas of large and complex system and in partic­ular, where the system has a secondary return.

BWT have also devel­oped an addi­tional tech­nique for scale inhi­bi­tion and control. By using unique, three phase tech­nology, the revo­lu­tionary AQA Total stabilises water by forming nanocrys­tals, making limescale unable to be deposited in instal­la­tions.

Limescale protection
Limescale protection

POWERMAG Elec­tro­mag­netic Scale Inhibitor

The Powermag uses the prin­ci­ples of magnetism to inhibit forma­tions of crys­talline scale within hot and cold water services. When the untreated water passes through the condi­tioning chamber, the scale forming elements mole­c­ular struc­ture is altered, so that scale-​forming parti­cles do not readily precip­i­tate as hard scale forming deposits. Water treated by the Powermag remains potable, so it can also be used in drinking water situ­a­tions.
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Limescale protection

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